famine - Haiti Observer Blog
famine, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about famine
Breadfruit Nutritional Value and Many Food Uses
Breadfruit is a fruit of the mulberry-tree family, and is associated with other fruits grown in tropic countries such as breadnut, jackfruit, and figs, among other tropic fruit varieties. Its growing season stretches from May to September. Its name is derived from the fact that when baked, it turns bread-like in color and mouth-feel. Considered a staple in Haiti, it is similar to rice, plantain, and coconut, also considered staples, and grown in other tropic climates.
Breadfruit, calorie-rich, contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and phyto nutrients. As the fruit ripens, it releases fructose and glucose sugars. Good for the intestinal tract, it decreases cholesterol, and helps to prevent colon cancer. It contains anti-oxidant properties such as xanthin and vitamin C, with high levels of B-complex, most notably niacin.
Haiti Accuses Japan of Sending Contaminated Rice
Recently the news media published an article reporting that Japan had sent Haiti rice containing radioactive particulate matter. The article claimed the rice stored was located close to the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant. The Japanese Embassy strongly denied the report, and presented its version of the facts.
The embassy responded by saying the storage space used for housing the rice wasn't located close by the Fukushima evacuation areas, but at Ishikari and Otaru storage facilities on Hokkaido, a northern island at a distance of 404 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Not only was the rice stored well outside the areas of contamination, but that Japan had imported the rice from the U.S. in 2009 and 2010, well before the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011. In addition, Japan exported the rice to Haiti two weeks before the earthquake, allowing the government of Haiti (GOH) plenty of time to test and certify the rice's safety for consumption. The delivery happened ahead of schedule due to the GOH's demand for it so they could issue it to the poor and hungry.
After Hurricane Sandy, I really smell trouble for my little country of Haiti
Just a few days after the passage of Hurricane Sandy on Haiti, the population is just beginning to evaluate the level of damages caused by the storm
However, in the next few days, weeks and Months, we will have a lot more to deal with.
Le's see what's coming toward us:
1: Cholera is back.
With so much flooding in so many regions of the country, we can only assume that cholera will be spreading.
2: Agricultural lost:
How do we replace all these agricultural products such as banana, Plantain, yam, just to name a few. Do you remember that it was only a few days ago that the population was asking for the government to resign because families were unable to feed themselves.
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