Gros Morne - Haiti Observer Blog

Gros Morne, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Gros Morne


Lincoln County Ecumenical Committee visited Gros Morne, Haiti

February 2014 was a good month for the region of Gros Morne and its inhabitants. The proceeds from a charity event held in their honor were delivered to them for use in various projects to be undertaken within the town. The nearly $8,000 worth of donations was procured at a Haiti Benefit Dinner held on February 7 at Damariscotta Mills' St. Patrick's Church. Handing over the proceeds to the town at the end of the month was the Lincoln County Ecumenical Committee.

Present at the handing over was Dean Curran, the committee's co-chair, and the founders of Haiti Benefit Dinner, Frazier and Susan Meade, both hailing from St. Andrew's Church in Newcastle. The group spent two days in the town that can be described as extremely impoverished, visiting the sites to benefit from the proceeds.

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The Town Of Gros-Morne

Gros-Morne is not just a town in Haiti's Gros-Morne Arrondissement. It is the entire arrondisement's capital and it is part of the country's Artibonite Department. It spans 397 square kilometers and is located 175 kilometers from the north of the national capital of Port-au-Prince. There are some 350 residents in every square kilometer, bringing the total population to 142,000. Several communes comprise the municipality and among these are Hanged, Acul, Richard Boucan, Ravine Gros-Morne, Mill, White River and Savannah Square.

Gros-Morne offers a beautiful view and atmosphere, thanks to its green mountains and geographical zone. People can clearly see the mountains covered in fog, which makes the view more exciting and fun.

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