Gut Feeling - Haiti Observer Blog

Gut Feeling, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Gut Feeling


On Relationship, Trust Your Gut Feeling

Love can make people do crazy things. It can prevent a person from thinking clearly and seeing what really is going on.

A person who is in love may look only at the good side of things while ignoring the bad ones because he/she is afraid of losing the other person. This is why many people get hurt and abused in a relationship.

Given this, the best relationship advice you can probably receive is to follow your gut feelings. These feelings are your intuition that you couldn't quiet down. The gut feel is the one telling you that your partner is cheating on you even if he/she seems to be happy with you. It is the one whispering to a girl to walk away from a date because the guy is not good for her. It is the one urging a guy to go after a girl because she might be the ONE. No one exactly knows why they have these feelings and thoughts. They just do. And in most cases, the best thing to do is to follow what your gut is telling you because it is almost always right.

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Reasons To Follow Your Gut Feeling

Gut feelings are like intuition and instincts that you couldn't explain literary.

Something just feels right and true even if you couldn't prove it. Gut feelings can be useful in a lot of ways. As a matter of fact, many people follow what their gut is telling them when making a decision. But can you really trust your gut feelings? Is it best to go with them or just stick to what is rational and obvious?

There are studies showing that gut feelings are the result of brain's reception to subliminal signals. There are things that a person wouldn't consciously understand or pick up that the unconscious brain can. Subliminal signals are those that the conscious self can easily miss in certain situations. A neuroscientist at the Centre for Neuroimaging Research said that when people think that they are having an intuition, it just means that their brain learned an association between subliminal signals and the likely results of their action. Another scientist added that the unconscious brain, which produces the gut feelings, is wise because it always picks the best decision.

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Gut Feeling, How It Works

If you have no idea what to do in a given situation, that's the time you may want to rely on your gut feeling.

See, gut feelings are intuition pointing you to the best action to take. But how does gut feeling works and how does your gut choose a decision for you?

First of all, the term gut feeling was derived from the fact that your stomach area and brain are closely connected. You would be surprised to find out the ability of your gut to communicate with the brain. Also, the gut is where people feel the impact of their strong emotions, thoughts and reactions. Thus the term gut feeling.

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Gut Feeling, The life inside

What is gut feeling? Why is it called that way?

What is the association between the gut and feelings? These might be the questions swimming in your mind when you heard the term gut feeling. This article would explain this phenomenon.

For starters, gut feelings are reflections of your intuition. It happens when the unconscious brain receives subliminal signals in a given situation. In most cases, gut feelings are always right. And this is also why many people follow what their gut is telling them to do.

Now, you might be wondering what the gut has to do with it. As a matter of fact, the gut plays an important role in people's lives. The term gut feeling comes from the fact that the gut or the stomach area is where the second-largest network of interconnected neurons is located. Remember the feeling in your stomach when you're having strong feelings and reactions over something? That is because the gut has its "independent" nervous system. Considered as the second brain, the gut is also full of neurons and microbes that are crucial to one's physical, mental, and emotional health. The gut also has an excellent ability to communicate with the brain. There are studies that found out that changes in gut bacteria can affect a person's mood, behavior, and way of thinking.

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