Measures in Quebec for those applying for permanent residence in Canada
Quebec, Canada has received news from the federal government suspension of deportation back to Haiti of its nationals is no longer in effect. Minister of Immigration, Diversity, and Inclusion (MIDI), Kathleen Weil, spoke of the steps to be implemented in Quebec to aid Haitian nationals, who desire to make an application for permanent residence in Canada, predicated on humanitarian principles. The majority of Haitian nationals have chosen Quebec as their home, and it is the wish of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to facilitate the application process. CIC will collaborate with MIDI to give social service organizations, contracted by MIDI, the funding to advocate for Haitian immigrants going through the application process. Haitians, who are eligible to apply for permanent residency, will be given until June 2015 to file their applications.
The Canadian government needs to make a decision about the integration process, which has been evaluated by Quebec, concerning employment integration, children's education integration, assimilation in community life, and deference to the law. MIDI will work with five social service organizations, who have experience with Haitian immigrants: Maison d'Haiti; Service d'aide et de liaison pour immigrants La Maisonee; Accueil aux immigrants de l'Est de Montreal; and Carrefour d'intercultures de Laval et Carrefour le Moutier. They will help applicants with the completion of their files. To make an application for permanent residency based on humanitarian considerations, eligible individuals need to meet CIC requirements and adhere to procedures set up by Quebec and CIC.
Read more: canada, immigration, immigration
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