official exam - Haiti Observer Blog
official exam, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about official exam
No more Money for Proctoring and Correcting State Exams
Minister of Education, Nesmy Manigat, following a consulting session with the Trade Union and Employers' Sector, has decided proctoring and correcting of official examinations by private or public school teachers will no longer be compensated. Savings derived from this budget cut will permit inclusion of extra teachers into the education system.
A Circular was issued explaining how the decision to forgo compensation for proctoring and correcting examinations was made, and the formation of a corrective body, whose responsibility it is to ensure the integrity of the official examination process.
The Ministry of Education has been receiving complaints from the education community as well as parents, challenging the probity of the proctoring and correction process. In addition, the Commission for the Observation of the Conduct of State Examinations (CODEXE) recommended the Ministry of Education (MOE) needed to manage its resources more effectively. Together with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), CODEXE notified education leaders a decision had been made to form ". . . an official corrective body responsible for assessing student copies on . . . state exams."
Around 14,000 candidates for baccalaureate excluded of official exam in Haiti
It was confirmed by National Office of State Examination's Director, Renan Michel that all preparations have been made for welcoming nearly 745,000 candidates for official exams to be held during the period June 19 through July 12. The Director reported that 6th and 9th fundamental years' cards were already distributed and the baccalaureate candidates' cards were also distributed to the Departmental Directorates. He also reported that the selection of the supervisors as well as examination centers was already completed for the entire territory.
Education Ministry's Deputy Director General Ecclésiaste Télémaque stated that the quality of the subjects of examination will be precise and clear and the degree of difficult will match to what has been taught during the academic year.
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