Haitian President Oreste Zamor

Oreste Zamor is also known as Emmanuel Oreste Zamor. Zamor was born in 1861. He became the President of Haiti on February 1914 after Michel was over thrown. He was helped to take over by government officials and Cacos. The Cacos agreed to support him because he had promised to keep them on Government payroll. Emmanuel Oreste Zamor did not achieve much for Haiti because he spent more time with government officials and the cocas.


When he got into power, he failed to keep his promise to the Cacos. The leaders of Cacos, (Joseph Davilmar Theodore and Rosalvo Bobo) went to Port au Prince and asked Zamor to step out of the palace. Luckily the American military who wanted to intrude Haiti offered to help Zamor but Zamor rejected the offer. Emmanuel Oreste Zamor thought that he would be able to fight for the power on his own. But he was wrong because the two leaders of Cacos were too determined to have him step out. They ganged up with all the members of Cacos and got into the palace and forced Zamor out. He escaped and fled with his brother.

Oreste Zamor was among those government prisoners that President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam ordered to be killed in 1915.

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Read more: Coup D'Etat, Caco, 1914, Oreste Zamor, 1861, 1915, Vilbrun Guillaume Sam, president

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