political party - Haiti Observer Blog

political party, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about political party


Turnep Delpe over Amended Constitution

The head of state in Haiti was on Friday faced with challenge from the members of the senate including Turnep Delpe as he was preparing to publish the amended constitution. The head of the National progressive democratic party of Haiti, Mr. Turnep Delpe addressed the media saying that the amended constitution was not properly representing the views of the people of Haiti. He said that if the president would publish the constitution prior to the consensus of the senate, the will be a political divide in the country. President Michel Martely was expected to give consent to the publication of the constitution.

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Would you believe this? Tet kale is actually a new Political party in Haiti

This is true, the name Tet kale now means the newest political party in Haiti. This is one more in a land where political parties have reached an epidemic proportion.

According to Justice Minister Jean Renel Sanon on Thursday, the new party called the Haitian Tet Kale Party was registered at the Ministry of Justice and is in fact operational

Mezanmi, nou nan politik tet kale

Are you ready for more Zin?

The principal author is not a member. Haiti president, Michel Martelly who has the nickname "Tet Kale" is still under the banner of 'Repons Peyizan'.

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Funeral announcement for all Traditional Haitian politicians - Burial date: May 14

We are announcing with pain and regret the death of Traditional Haitian Politic with the passage of this Election disaster in Haiti. This natural disaster, although unavoidable, took the lives of so many who were dear to the Haitian people. The funeral will be held on May 14, 2011, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in front of many Haitian and International observers.

Like many things we are use to for a long time, it will be hard for us to accept that those people who have dominated our political life for so long are no more.
The "Haitian Joudalist" is saying: "Traditional Haitian politic is over"

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Demonstrators set UNITE Party headquarter on Fire

The Haiti Election results that put Mirlande Manigat and Jude Celestin in the lead to participate in the runoff election set protestation incidents all over Haiti. In Port-au-Prince, protesters set fire to the headquarter or the UNITE party, the political party of President Rene Preval and under which Jude Celestin is currently candidate.

It was reported that thousands of protesters rampaged divers neighborhoods in the capital. They set fire to the headquarter of the Unite party. We were able to see flames and smokes coming out of the facility before fire trucks arrived at the location and control the fire.

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