Rache Manyok - Haiti Observer Blog
Rache Manyok, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Rache Manyok
Are you for "Dechoukage" or give Michel Martelly a chance?
As a successful protest against the government of Michel Martelly ended on November 18, new manifestation for the "Dechoukage" of the regime is scheduled for November 29 in front of the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince. My question is that should the government be given a chance or be out no matter what?
Here is where the discussion lies and depending who you are, you will likely fall into one of the following categories:
Are you for "Rache Manyok Bay Ter-a Blanch"
Are you for "Give Michel Martelly a Chance"
Now, let's see who is right and who is wrong
The phenomenon of "Rache Manyok" in Haiti, a perpetual movement
As this new wave of protest against Michel Martelly are getting stronger and stronger, it helps to do some analysis of the situation. Have you noticed that in Haiti there has always been a movement to get ride of the government? Based on my analysis, Haiti political landscape has three basic stages: a) The "Election of the New Leader" period, b) The "Honeymoon" Period, c) The "Rache Manyok" period.
Let's take the period of the "Election of New Leader". This is usually a tense period where the major players are using all kind of tricks to control the election. On the other side, since the population is aware of that, they pay close attention to detail and are ready at any moment to take to the street.
Ruelle Vaillant Massacre
With the active complicity of Haiti's armed forces, the paramilitary neo-Duvalier sabotaged post Duvalier's first ballot. The country would be able to select leaders democratically by this ballot. In Port-au-Prince at the Ruelle Vaillant alley 20 voters were sadly murdered.
Effect of the Terror Wave
The terror wave or a thunderbolt from the sky on 29th November 1987 affected the Artibonite and other departments. This massacre announced the country's general context of 26th April 1986 or in 22nd June 1987 to 29th November 1987.
General Henri Namphy, chairman of the National Council of Government was not in favor of the electoral process. Through different measures he demonstrated this which escaped the Army's control. He got his own writ published on 22nd June 1987 by ignoring the 1987 constitution.
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