Yo arete Ofisyèl FIFA nan vòlè $750,000 pou tranbleman tè Ayiti
Jack Warner detounen $750,000 ke FIFA ak foutbòl Asosyasyon Koreyen te bay pou viktim yo. Pandan ke yo deja arete Alfredo Hawit ak Juan Angel NapoutSe Aranjman, yo ape travay pou ekstradisyon Jack Warner soti nan Trinidad pou Etazini.
FIFA officials arrested for stealing $750,000 meant for Haiti earthquake
New indictments are being released by United States department of Justice in collaboration with Swiss police. It's official, some FIFA officials such as Former FIFA executive Jack Warner, Jeffrey Webb, Alfredo Hawit and Juan Angel Napout are scum bags.
They are accused for stealing $750,000 meant for Haiti earthquake victims. Jack Warner diverted $750,000 donated by FIFA and the Korean Football Association intended for the victims. Arrangement is being made for his extradition from Trinidad to the USA.
Read more: Earthquake, crime, Sport, 2010 Haiti earthquake, soccer, Scam, Scam Artist, FIFA, Newsletter Articles, Security Crime Law and Order
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cou yo paler yo dit HAITI ceone nan pays qui pov surla terre yo bay on ti cob pou pays a pou yo prand et noune ca yo ce on ban noune riche yo ye caa ce mechancete ce pou prend mete yo nan prison noune ca yo yo remmin pese malheureu yo pa jamais gain assez pou yosi richesse sur la terre te partager pa tap gain noune qui gain de jou pa capab
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