Similien Yves - Haiti Observer Blog

Similien Yves, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Similien Yves


Similien Yves Honored During the Celebration of the Latin American Day of Press

In the past, the government and media houses in Haiti have failed to honor people, like Similien Yves Gerard Emmanuel, for their significant contribution to the society. This has been done only to the dead, but on Thursday, June 7, 2012, there was a change, for the first time in history. This is the day for the first time that the first person was honored for his contribution in media work in the country. This is a technician of the Radio Tele Express Continentale, Mr. Similien Yves Gerard Emmanuel. This radio station has been broadcasting its programs in Haiti for the last twenty one years under Yves Gerard. This radio station is tuned on 88.9 FM in Haiti.

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