South Korea - Haiti Observer Blog

South Korea, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about South Korea


Clothes manufacturer Hansae to build factory in Haiti, creating 5,000 jobs

It is not all that bad in Haiti. While we continue to fight among ourselves, Seoul-based company Hansae is planning to take full advantage of the Hope Act by building a new apparel factory in Haiti. They just signed an agreement with Sonapi Industrial Park on Tuesday with the objective to build a new, fully equipped plant.

They will be able to create over 5,000 new jobs in Haiti.

As the company is looking at becoming even a bigger competitor in the apparel field, Haiti is the most attractive location for them at this time. Hansae is considered to be one of the world's largest apparel makers. They currently employ over 60,000 employees from 11 countries. They currently manufacture for companies such as Nike, Gap, H&M, Uniqlo and Abercrombie & Fitch.

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Caracol A Village In Haiti

Caracol, a village in Haiti, is located in the Nord-Est Deparment which is a municipality in the Trou-du-Nord Arrondissement. At 19°41′0″N and 72°1′0″W it is located at a slight elevation and has around 6236 inhabitants. It is the least visited destination in Haiti.
Caracol is in the northern coast of Haiti and it was a fishing village stricken by poverty. It is also known to be poorest of all villages in the country.


The region is mountainous and rough and it borders with the Dominican Republic for around 360 kms. Caracol enjoys a semi arid and tropical climate. Trade winds are easily cut off by the mountains in the region. French is the official language spoken in Caracol.

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Sae-A trading South Korean company to create Haitian jobs

Sae-A trading, a Garment Company from South Korea plans to open its factory in Haiti and create 20,000 jobs. The factory will be located in the new industrial park located in the North of the country, away from the Republic of Port-au-Prince. The new park is expected to create more than 65,000 jobs and about 5,000 homes nearby.

In 1990, there were over 100,000 garment workers in Haiti. This has decreased to 28,000 today. The Haitian Prime Minister Bellerive admitted that this new deal with the South Korean Garment Company will be the biggest foreign investment in Haiti ever.

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10,000 jobs are expected in Haiti Garment Industry

The job market is expected to be booming in Haiti in a relatively short period of time. If you are able and willing to work, you will be able to find job in Haiti.

The "Haitian Joudalist" learned that South Korea, The United States and the World Bank just signed an agreement to created at least 10,000 jobs in Haiti in the garment manufacturing industry. The Korean clothing producing company, Sae-A will create a brand new industrial park in Haiti just for this operation.

We are looking at Haiti in the near future to become one of the leading exporters of clothing products for the world. The Haitian government is in the planning phase of constructing this new industrial park. It is expected to be located in the North, close to the capital. New port and roads will be built to facilitate transportation.

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