Hubert Deronceray, political leader
He would return to Haiti to teach in 1966 before founding the CHISS (Center for Investigation in Haitian Social Sciences) and he was made Secretary of State for National Education in 1972, UNESCO's Haitian Minister Counselor and Human Rights Committee chairman.
His career took on even greater proportions when he was named Social Affairs Minister in 1978. During his two year tenure, ended when he was taken out of office by the Duvalier government, he introduced innovative reforms in the industries of information technology, housing and sugar. This ousting led him to join the opposition party, Convergence Democratique, in 1981, and also to start the DND (Movement for National Development), and publish 'Our Social Project for Haiti'.
His association in the Joint Opposition Front, of which he became a member in July of 1985, led to his arrest on December 5th later that year. He would continue on past Duvalier's rule to oppose strongly the governments of Lavalas and Aristide, of whose coup in September of 1991 he was a noted supporter.
The consummate politician, Deronceray ran twice for the seat of president of Haiti; his last attempt being in 2006.
Read more: UNESCO, Petit Goave, Hubert de Ronceray, Politician, People
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