Valentine Day Tips - Haiti Observer Blog
Valentine Day Tips, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Valentine Day Tips
Origins of Saint Valentine's Day
Saint Valentine's Day, celebrated as the Feast of Saint Valentine, is based on Christian lore. One version of the Valentine myth has been attributed to the Roman Empire's rejection and execution of Valentine of Rome, a Catholic priest. The recounting has Saint Valentine brought before Emperor Claudius II of Rome. Claudius, originally skeptical, grew to like him. Not wishing his death any longer, Claudius tried to persuade Valentine to become a pagan. Valentine responded by trying to talk Claudius into becoming a Christian. He did not succeed and was executed.
Before he died, Valentine restored the sight of his jailer's daughter. This led to a mass conversion of the daughter's large family, including family servants. On the eve of Valentine's execution, he had delivered to the daughter a card signed "Your Valentine". The gesture caught the public's imaginations, which have passed down the story one generation to the next. The complimentary close, "Your Valentine", turned into the commercial message, "From Your Valentine".
Valentine's Day Tips
It is through a Valentine's Day greeting that you can convey your feelings and thoughts to that special person in your life. On this day, via the greeting, your heart is able to do the talking. Valentine's Day, celebrated on 14th February each year, is a special day to pour your heart out to the loved one and celebrate the relationship.
Some of the best wishes could be like this. "I really feel incredibly lucky, the arrow has brought the two of us together", "Happy Valentine's Day", "Looking towards sharing a hot and spicy Valentine's Day with you", " Sending you special Valentine's Day wishes", "You are so sweet, just for you, Happy Valentine's Day" and lots more.
Valentine's Day Greeting
It is through a Valentine's Day greeting that you can convey your feelings and thoughts to that special person in your life. On this day, via the greeting, your heart is able to do the talking. Valentine's Day, celebrated on 14th February each year, is a special day to pour your heart out to the loved one and celebrate the relationship.
Some of the best wishes could be like this. "I really feel incredibly lucky, the arrow has brought the two of us together", "Happy Valentine's Day", "Looking towards sharing a hot and spicy Valentine's Day with you", " Sending you special Valentine's Day wishes", "You are so sweet, just for you, Happy Valentine's Day" and lots more.
Valentine's Day Gift
Valentine's Day celebrated on February 14th is a traditional day that had started in the nineteenth century on which an anonymous Valentine's Day gift, love notes and cards are commonly sent by lovers to each other to express love. Modern symbols of Valentine's Day include the figure of Cupid with wings and an outline in heart shape.
Initially notes were hand written but now there is mass production of greeting cards. After Christmas, it is this day which involves an approximate sale of one billion cards. Around 85 percent of the card buyers are women. A platonic greeting generically used is the 'Happy Valentine's Day'.
Flower as a Gift
In a wide range of functions and events the flower as a gift is a popular item choice in many countries all over the world. For christenings and new births, flowers are offered as gifts. On holidays and social functions they are also worn as boutonniere and corsage. To decorate wedding halls, bridal parties and weddings, flowers are common gifts.
Besides this they are also appropriately used on grieving occasions, funerals, welcome parties, at homes, parties organized for bon voyage, etc. It is important to note that some types of flowers have particular meanings attributed to them. It is always a good idea to get to know first what exactly the flower you gift signifies so that there is no embarrassment or confusion involved.
What Valentine's Day should mean to all Haitians
In the aftermath of Haiti Earthquake, Valentine's day should have a very special meaning to us Haitians. Valentine's day should be a special day to remind us Haitians how fragile we are and for us to appreciate even more our loved ones.
If we don't learn anything else from Haiti earthquake, we should at least learn that we can't wait for tomorrow to do something that needs to be done today. The same way, we can't wait to show our love because it might be too late.
Let' show some love on this Valentine's Day with this beautiful Haitian music video from Gracia Delva for this Special Valentine's Day:
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