Verona Michel - Haiti Observer Blog
Verona Michel, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Verona Michel
Haitian Films and Film-Industry Professionals
Following is a list of some of Haiti's most revered and/or prolific filmmakers and their filmic output:
Arnold Antonin, Albert Mangones, Art Naif and Repression in Haiti (1976), Can Sculpture Save the Village of Noailles (2009), Haiti, le Chemin de la Liberté (1973), Heby, Jazz, and Haitian Music (2012), Jacques Roumain, the Passion for a Country (2008), Six Exceptional Women (2012), TIGA: Haiti, Dream, Creation, Possession, Madness (2006)
Vladimir Thelisma, Double Jeu ((2001), Couloir de L'amitié (2010), Destin Tragique (2006), Les Couleurs de la Dignite (2006)
Richard Seneca, Barikad (2003), I Love You Anne (2005), I Love you Anne 2 (2005), Reginal Lubin, La Peur D'aimer, Pouki se Mwen
Herold Israel and Peter Ronald Berlus, Collusion (2009), Histoire D'infidèles (2009), Lovdatnet (2009), Xtreme Blue (2008)
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