Wedding Invitation Guidelines
Once you've set a budget for your wedding, order the wedding invitations for the number of guests you want to attend your wedding. Next, divvy up the invitations as evenly as possible. You can map out a hierarchy of most important to least important to help you decide the guest list.
Traditionally, the invitation envelopes have been written out in long-hand in black ink. But there are many computer script fonts that are perfectly suited to perform this function, and you should take advantage. It will save you hours of time.
In addressing your invitations, avoid abbreviations of either addresses or names. On the inner envelope, write the married couples' names as Mr. and Mrs. Surname. With single guests, use their full names. As part of etiquette, do not seal this envelope.
Include respond cards with each invitation that are self-addressed and stamped. The idea behind the respond card is two-fold. First, you are prompting your invitees to RSVP by a specified date, and two, you will know how many guests to expect. One note of caution: do not ask how many guests they will be bringing, for this will encourage them to invite tagalongs and strain your budget.
You should send your wedding invitations to non-local invitees two to two and a half months before the respond date. They will need this much time to reserve airline tickets and hotel accommodations. For guests nearby, send out invitations a month at the maximum, and two weeks at the minimum.
Read more: Wedding, Wedding Tips, Invitation, Entertainment
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