University of King Henri Christophe in Limonade fully operational in the fall, 2012
Students enrolled at the University do have time to select a field of study that is of interest to them. According to Mr. Jean-Marie Théodat, no specific degree programs have been designed yet for students entering this fall. New students will begin with general education and on the second year, they will have available specific disciplines to specialize in.
Are you interested in becoming part of of the first graduating class of King Henri Christophe in Limonade?
This is what you will need: a birth certificate; certificates of completion of secondary education, first and second parts; tax registration number; and fulfill a requirement of not already being expelled from another institution of the State University. Government wants to make it easy for you. They accept registration on line as well at
More pictures of University King Henri Christophe in Limonade
Inauguration of Henry Christophe University in Northern Haiti took place on January 12, 2012. The university which costs $ 50 million to build, is a gift from the Dominican Republic. The University of King Henri Christophe in Limonade is affiliated with the State University of Haiti (UEH).
Read more: Education, limonade, University of King Henri Christophe, Jean-Marie Th, University, School, Education
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