Allegation of Coup D'Etat conspiracy against Michel Martelly
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So far, 16 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Allegation of Coup D'Etat conspiracy against Michel Martelly
what is wrong if president Martelly pardoned Jean Claude Duvalier aint Gerry Ford did the same for Nixon more »
This issue is going to be a short one. In my personal opinion, I believe that Jean Bertrand Aristide should be The one to be put on Trial or at least, should go side by side With... more »
Mr Gbarrouet,some of the Haitian like you don't have any preliminary's principle,we always out of subject,never respect any disciplinary of anything.they talked about an... more »
Mr. Lionel Alexandre stop being stupid like any other person who doesn't know what he talking about.Jean Claude duvalier is a criminal who killed more than 10 thousands... more »
This is what I heard. President Martelly interrupted a meeting that was taking place at the private home of Prime Minister Garry Conille. The prime Minister was in a meeting with... more »
This is actually the last set of noise before Michel Martelly is out. Whenever there is no longer argument, it becomes physical. Michel Martelly is now getting physical and... more »
It is sad to see a nation unable to govern itself. It is even more sad fot the population who become hostage. So what would be a solution for a country like Haiti? Haiti does not... more »
I am asking me when Haiti will change, because each people who is leading our belove country are just looking for money. we have got many many of coup d'etat in our belove... more »
It is sad to see a nation unable to govern itself. It is even more sad fot the population who become hostage. So what would be a solution for a country like Haiti? Haiti does not... more »
wI,prezidan Michel Martely se yon paranoy,Paske depi e menm avan martely te prete serman pou li te vinn pwezidan,te gen yon konpotman,menm yon animal aji pi byen ke li. Depi... more »
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