RE: Only a Two Day Visa issued to Deputy Arnel Belizaire to remain in the United States

Julien Nazon - May 30 2013, 11:49 AM

Was Arnel ever convicted in the United states for a crime?

There are rumors circulating that he was involved in some funny activities in the past. If that is the case, then the United States has every reason not to let him inside of the country.

I know many people who were deported back to Haiti are going for an elected position just to be able to to get back to the U.S. Isn't it the case with Gracia Delva?

The only way he was able to go back to the United states after his deportation was to become a Deputy.

I also know that our singer of Cap-Haitian, Jacques Sauveur Jean is going to be running for the position of Deputy du Nord, just to be able to go and visit the United States.

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