Breaking News - Haiti election results to be postponed until Monday, April 4th
The Election results will be communicated to the press on Monday, April 4th instead.
"Min Li Fout"
According to the CEP, the volume and verification of the vote required that the announcement be delayed by four days.
"The CEP".
Isn't this the same CEP who announced that Mirlande Manigat and Jude Celestin were qualified for the run-off election?
Isn't it the same CEP who was obligated to comeback to his decision and pick Michel Martelly instead.
Isn't this the same CEP who did not explain to the Haitian voters why Martelly was selected later instead of Celestin?
Miami Herald just reported the news and we want to make sure you have it first. The Miami Herald also reported that foreign observers mentioned cases of frauds. However they were less than what occurred in the November election.
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Read more: election results, Election
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All Comments (16)
What do you want "honesty" I wish and I am sure that most Haitians whish, The more educated more cricket they are. A whole bunch of "voye roche cache" The more educated they are, the more cricket and crock they are. I hope ther are still some honest ones who really one the best for Haiti, not getting rich and forget about the less fortunate who stay in line for a long time to vote for them. It is time for change, honesty, better life for everyone and put every goverment employee from President to less fortunate employee.
Teach them how to help the country.
If a civil war breaks out in Haiti, all Haitians should know that Preval and the CEP is solely responsible for the lives that will be
Haiti is unique! What is new?
More of the same. They better do things clear and right;if don't want a revolution, You know how much my compatriots love
Pren kontak avek mwen epi nou pral pote kob la ale nan ninmpot radio ayitien ak jounalis prezen ou soi nap bay king kino kino kimbel ou soi nap bay Wyclef kimbel ou soi nap bay CEP kimbe pariaj la apre sa nap ten deklarasyion superoficiel la le 16 Avril ou 20 Avril ou 18 Mai
Si Mirland ginyin $68000 US mwen en se pou ou
Si Michel ginyin $8000 US paw la se pou mwen
Sispen blabla epi mete
Creee le 20 mars - Mise a jour hier
De wally - 14 avis - 41 commentaires
Seau d'eau Bureau 2- T103 M
Overall, the PNH and the Minustah have been proactive against troublemakers, unlike the elections of November 28, 2010. The PNH and the Minustah ave proceeded to the interpellation and arrested at least 55 people, including several officials.
According to the information that the National Network for the Defence of Human Rights (RNDDH) provided us, this would include: Eneld Applon former deputy and candidate for Thomonde to his succession under the banner of the platform INITE, Me Joël Lubin, substitute Government Commissioner at the Court of First Instance of Mirebalais, Bahon, Henry Philippe, Vice Delegate of the district Grande Rivière du Nord, of 2 police officers, public servants and other citizens.
CEP Gin Dwa Bay Rezilta Electyon Yo 24 Decemb Si Yo Vle
CEP Gin Dwa Bay Rezilta Electyon Yo 24 Decemb Si Yo Vle
Michel Joseph Martelly Ap President Peyia Woue Pa
Here are the ooficial nubers of the unofficial results from the 3/20/2011 second round:
The Unofficial Election Result sFrom The 3/20/11 Vote
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Haiti Post Runoff Electoral Update # 1 by Stanley
In an official statement, signed by Gaillot DORSINVIL, President of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) this one informs the public that a high level of fraud and irregularities of various kinds have been discovered in the tabulation of votes.
This was followed by greater involvement of the Legal Control Unit and the adoption of more stringent verification measures.
These provisions which have proved to be necessary for the reliability of the results, unfortunately affected the pace of the Tabulation Center, which is no longer able to produce its report on the date originally scheduled.
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