We have pictures of some of the best historical sites in Haiti, including The National palace, The Citadelle, San Souci palace, and many historical buildings that contributed to the history of Haiti
Happy Haiti Independence Day, this Pumpkin soup (Soup Joumou) is for you
As a reminder, Independence day in Haiti is an important holiday. we are fortunate to celebrate two important events on this day: On January 1, Haitians all over the world celebrate both New Year's Day and Independence Day.
This little nation made history on January 1, 1804 by becoming the first Black Country to gain its independence. At the same time we change the name of the country back to its original name "Ayiti", name given by the original inhabitants and before Christopher Columbus so called discovered the Island in 1492. At that point the island was named "Hispaniola"
The Battle Of Vertieres
The battle of Vertieres near Cap-Haitian was motivated by slaves who hat the condition under which they have been living.
Napoleon was confident that slavery would be reestablished in Saint-Domingue. General Rochambeau, who succeeded Leclerc as commander of the French army in Saint-Domingue, started implementing a series of atrocities including mass hangings and drowning of slaves suspected to be involved in insurrections.
Dessalines relentlessly attacks one town after another. He started in the South of the Country with Cayes, then Jacmel, Léogane, Jérémie, Saint Marc and Port-au-Prince. These actually set the stage for the assault on le Cap Français in the last great battle of independence in Vertieres.
The Famous "Grenadiers a l'assaut" Statement
Haitian historians reported that on November 18th, 1803, the last battle of the Expedition Santo Domingo with the slaves of the colony took place in Vertières near Cap-Francais known today as cap-Haitian or Cap-Haitien.
The troop commanded by General Rochambeau for the French Colonizer went head to head with the troop of General Jean-Jacques Dessalines, leader of the slave rebellion.
General François Capois, known as Capois-la-Mort led his brigade forward toward the forts of Vertieres under a storms of bullets from the forts
As he was approaching to Charrier, French fire killed a number of soldiers in the Haitian column. The Haitian soldiers closed ranks with great determination to win the battle, singing:
General Francois Capois, Capoix-la-Mort, and the Battle Of Vertieres
In the Battle of Vertieres near Cap-Haitian which is considered to be the decisive battle that eventually earned Haiti its independence, General Francois Capois, Capoix-la-Mort, occupied a key position in it.
Historians tell us that on November 18th, 1803, the leader of the Haitian rebels Jean-Jacques Dessalines ordered Capois lamort Brigade to take Fort Vertières, Capois raised several unsuccessful attempts until
Capoix, mounted on his great horse, led his brigade forward despite storms of bullets from the forts. As he is approaching Charrier, his horse was hit by a cannon and fell. However, Capois picked himself up, took his sword, stood up and ran again to the head of his soldiers shouting always "Forward! Forward".
Vertieres, Near Cap-Haitian, Site of Last Battle Before Haiti independence
This was the last battle of the Expedition Santo Domingo. The battle took place in Vertières Vertières near Cap Francais, now known as Cap-Haitian. It involves a troop commanded by General Rochambeau for the French Colonizer and General Jean-Jacques Dessalines, leader of the slave rebellion.
On November 18, 1803 , Jean-Jacques Dessalines ordered François Capois (Capois lamort) Brigade to take Fort Vertières, located on a hill near the city of Cap-Haitian. Capois raised several unsuccessful attempts by had to go back due to heavy fire from the fort.
After the third attempts where many of his forces received many casualties, Capois-La-Mort asked his force to follow him, shouting: "Forward! Forward". At one point, his horse was hit by a cannon and fell, but Capois took his sword, stood up and ran again to the head of his soldiers shouting always "Forward! Forward".
Barriere Bouteille in Cap-Haitian Painted in Pink, falling into Political Propaganda
Barriere Bouteille or the three Booths at southern entrance of Cap-Haitian were found painted in pink which is the official color of the government of Michel Martelly.
What is next?
Will we see soon a new and improved pink Citadelle Laferrière? while we are at it, why not the Sans Souci Palace?
According to some witnesses, they woke up one day and saw the three booths of Barriere Bouteille painted in pink with no explanation what so ever.
Moun Okap Kote nou Ye!
Polish contribution to the Independence of Haiti
FOR YOUR FREEDOM AND OURS' was the banner under which the Polish fought for the independence of their country and others used to the rule of oppressive empires. The shared story of Poland and Haiti began even before the poles set sail for the country to fight against the rebels under Napoleon. After aiding the United States in their independence, Poland created Europe's first democratic constitution in 1791. This action led to an attack a year later by Russia, Austria and Prussia, who sought to dismantle Poland's nascent democracy.
Come 1796, Napoleon, seeking men for his army, offered freedom back to Poland. Millions joined with him and became the Polish Legions. But it was not a promise Napoleon kept as, upon attaining victory, he set up Grand Dutch of Warsaw, a mere fifth of the true Polish Republic.
Duvalier Government Art Forgery Le Proces des Timbres: L'Affaire Audubon
An unfamiliar aspect of Baby Doc's corrupt rule has received little attention until now. Haitian watercolorist, Jean-Jacques Audubon, bird-life interpreter, became victim to a forgery when fraudulent postage stamps were circulated world-wide as his watercolors. A Haitian attorney and avid stamp collector, with a practiced eye, made the discovery. He notified Duvalier he doubted the stamps were Audubon's original watercolors.
Duvalier reluctantly held an open-court proceeding, and an expert witness gave testimony the stamps were the work of art forgers. Members of Duvalier's government pleaded guilty, convicted and incarcerated. Stamp collectors felt justice was done, and observers said the legal proceedings were an example of a fearless justice system.
Conditions at the Citadelle Laferriere Brought Fury to the President
On Thursday, July 19, 2012, the president of Haiti, Mitchel Martely was full of anger. This was due to the state of the conditions he found at the Citadelle Laferrière. The president had made a tour at the citadel and was accompanied by various senior officials in the government. Among them included the president's advisor Gregory Mayard Paul, the Minister of Culture, Stephanie Balmir Villedrouin, the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Yvone Alteon and other senior officials at the Institute for the Protection of National Heritage, ISPAN. ISPAN has the responsibility for the restoration of the Citadelle which is a tourist attraction site in Haiti.
The renovation of Haiti Iron Market, Marche en Fer, a gift from Denis O'Brien
The Haitian Iron market or Marche en Fer is back in business and we only have one man to thank for that. Irish Billionaire Denis O'Brien is not satisfied with only taking from the Haitian society with his successful Mobil Phone company in Haiti Digicel. He also believes in putting back some of that money to serve the people.
It is reported that billionaire Denis O'Brien donated $12 million of his own money to make the dream of rebuilding the Haitian iron market, marche en Fer, a reality. Many improvements have been made into the renovated Marche Hyppolite. it is equipped with solar panels and resistant to earthquake and hurricane
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