List of Haitian presidents removed from office or ousted in Coup D'Etat
(1)Jean Pierre Boyer (ruled for 25 years) overthrown in 1843; (2) Riviere Riviere-Herald (ruled for 1 year) overthrown in 1844; (3) Jean Louis Pierrot (ruled for about 1 year) overthrown in 1846; (4) Faustin Soulouque (ruled for about 12 year) overthrown in 1859; (5) Fabre Nicholas Geffrard (ruled for 8 years) overthrown in 1867 ; (6) Michel Domingue (ruled for 2 years) overthrown in 1876; (7) Boisrond Canal (ruled for 3 years) overthrown in 1879; (8) Lysius Felicite Salomon (ruled for 9 years) overthrown in 1888; (9) Francois Legitime (ruled for almost 2 years ) overthrown in 1889; (10) Nord Alexis (ruled for 6 years ) overthrown in 1908; (11) Antoine Simon (ruled for almost 2 years ) overthrown in 1911; (12) Michel Oreste (ruled for 9 months) overthrown in 1914; (13) Oreste Zamor (ruled for 1 month) overthrown in 1914; (14) Davilmar Theodore (ruled for just a few months ) overthrown in 1915; (15) Elie Lescot (ruled for 5 years) overthrown in 1946; (16) Dumarsais Estime (ruled for 4 years ) overthrown in 1950; (17) Paul Magloire (ruled for 6 years ) overthrown in 1956; (18) Daniel Fignole (ruled for 1 month ) overthrown in 1957; (19) Jean-Claude Duvalier's (ruled for 15 years) overthrown 1986; (20) Leslie Manigat (ruled for few months) overthrown in 1988; (21) Henri Namphy (ruled for few months ) overthrown in 1989; (22) Prosper Avril (ruled for almost 1 year ) overthrown in 1990; (23) Jean-Bertrand Aristide, elected in 1991 and was overthrown twice in 1991 and in 2004.
Read more: Coup D'Etat, Haitian President, Government
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