Gut Feeling, How It Works

If you have no idea what to do in a given situation, that's the time you may want to rely on your gut feeling.


See, gut feelings are intuition pointing you to the best action to take. But how does gut feeling works and how does your gut choose a decision for you?

First of all, the term gut feeling was derived from the fact that your stomach area and brain are closely connected. You would be surprised to find out the ability of your gut to communicate with the brain. Also, the gut is where people feel the impact of their strong emotions, thoughts and reactions. Thus the term gut feeling.

There are psychologists who believe that gut feelings are undervalued. They said that gut feel is the manifestation of the unconscious brain beating the rational one. Whenever you feel so strongly about something but couldn't explain why, then you are having a gut feel.

Researchers explain that gut feelings are actually influenced by previous experiences that the brain has kept without the person realizing it. This can be the explanation why professional and veteran athletes instinctively know how to act in a certain play or match. Your past experiences are where your gut gets information in coming up with the best advice it can give you.

Though gut feelings are reliable, it is best not to overestimate your gut, as well as your brain. There can also be a time where your gut feeling is veering you too far away from reality and it might blindside you.

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Read more: Self-Motivation, Feeling, Gut, Gut Feeling, People

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