Senator Moïse Jean-Charles has not filed documents regarding citizenship of President Michel Martell
According to Radio Signal FM, Buissereth who is a member of the investigation commission, indicated that Senator Moise Jean-Charles only sent a letter to the commission in which he recorded information that would have two passports thatPresident Michel Martelly holds.
On Monday, January 16, 2012, Senator Moïse Jean-Charles announced that he filed documents proving that President Michel Martelly is a U.S. and Italian citizen.
Who is telling the truth? Who is lying?Who is bluffing?, and that is the question.
No matter how you see it in this situation, the "Mal Will Be Malfini",
"Malfini" for either President Michel Martelly or Senator Moise Jean-Charles
This is what I envision.
There is no no matter what happen at the end of this process, there should be a victim, beside the Haitian population. No matter what happens at the end, the Haitian population and the country will be both victims and that is for certain. At the end, either the law of the country was violated by a president and government officials who were supposed to uphold it or we find ourselves with a Senator of the Republic of Haiti, instead of focusing on the real issues currently facing Haiti, such as poverty, healthcare, education and others, is instead using his position to destabilize the country even further.
My position is that: If President Michel Martell is found to be holding foreign nationality, he should leave the Presidency immediately. The same is true for any member of the Cabinet with foreign passports. On the other hand, the same punishment should be apply to Senator Moïse Jean-Charles (Nord/Inite). If for one reason or another, he is unable to prove that his allegations were unfounded and that President Michel Martelly never renounced his Haitian nationality, he should leave his position as senator of the Republic of Haiti. In addition, all immunities that Senator Moïse Jean-Charles is currently enjoying should be lifted so that the president can pursue him in Court for defamation.
Does anyone see it the same way I do?
Do you think it is time that the law of Haiti to be respected?
The truth can not be somewhere in the middle. Who do you think is likely to be telling the truth?
Who is bluffing?
Now it's your turn, speak now or forever hold your silence!
Read more: Moise Jean Charles, Citizenship, Martelly Citizenship, immigration
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All Comments (7)
SylvainPoirier 25/08/2010 at 5:47 ambon sens! c'est une job de body ou une nouvelle iqchnteue pour jouer?
j'ai he2te d'entendre
if president joseh Michel Martelly is US or Itatien i can continue to dirige Haiti because the Haitian
Nan ki les nou ka kwe, Jean Charles uo Mathely paske tout mou-n bezwen pouvwa pa yo nan pei-a pou ramase lajan lot bo
Senate Yvon Buissereth manke sajes, si mwen Te nan plas senate-a mwen tap mande pwezidan martely, Kom etan done ou Te rezide ozetazini, pa respe pou pep ayisyen ale nan TNH ak green card ou di pep la pa okipe moiz Jan chal, mwen martely mwen se ayisyen.
mwen doute fo sou nasyonalite martely, Jan martely se yon gwo djol renmen pale, poukisa tout silens sa-a.
mwen pa kwe nan ni radyo siyal ni senate, tou de ka Gen lajan pa yo deja nan tout lajan kap distribiye nan lari-a pou kase fey kouvri
Lavni Martely nan men senate Joseph Lambert;Martely gen 2 opsyon.
pibliye konstitisyon amande-a, le sa-a Lambert apral gen mach de manev pou-l pliye Michel Martely anba ponyet-li nan monte kosey elektoral pemanan.
ou byen martely fe tet red li pa pibliye-l, le sa-a senate bisret apral we ki es ki nan blof.
2-Marteli te fe Clud de Madrid promes pou li te pibliye konstitisyon amande-a, si li pa pibliye-l, se le sa-a na pral konnen hi nasyonalite martely, sili Italien ou ameriken.
I really do not understand, because I read an article on Haitian that senator Moise did filed all the documents that he said he had proved that the president have multiplies nationaltie to the senates commission.
In that case which article is telling the truth?
and who's really behind it?;whom do not want change in Haiti.The one thing I know for sure I'm going to stay focus and keep praying for Haiti chain to brake, it does not matter how long it's going to take, because I believe it will happen one day soon and very soon.God bless and protect president Martelly and may he bless
No, I don't see the matter in the way that you see it. I am not for the senator to do all of that because the country needs someone who can help citizens to be guaranted a better life. I am sure that Presendent Martelly can do that job if the International Community does not put any obstacle for that.
What Senator Jean Charles is doing results to his duty as a Haitian senator.
However, he does not use the right method for doing that. Claiming that the president and other cabinet members have another nationality is not difamation because it can be true or not true. It is the responsibility of the parliament to investigate that matter and bring light to the public.
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