Haiti Ambassador Daniel Supplice Removed From Post

On Tuesday, July 21, 2015, Daniel Supplice, who was appointed as the Haitian ambassador to Santo Domingo by replacing Fritz Cineas in last February, has been removed "permanently" from his post by the Haitian government. As per Foreign Ministry information, Supplice was not defending his country appropriately amid the current immigration issues with the Dominican Republic. He recently had made a public statement to the daily 'Le Nouvelliste' blaming own government that they were responsible for the fact that due to lack of documentation, a good number of Haitians living illegally in the D.R could not register under the regularizing plan before the deadline of June 17th. In his remark, he had said that Haiti's Immigrant Documentation Program (PIDIH) to help Haitian compatriots in the Dominican Republic regularize their status, had failed miserably. The former Haiti General Consul Edwin Paraison, who has spoken personally with Supplice has tweeted that as per Supplice's statement he was primarily called for a consultation but it was a government's decision to recall him to Haiti. However, the former consul considers this as a routine change, to some extent, it is a diplomatic crisis between two neighboring states, but never means their diplomatic ties are broken. As per journalist Edit Febles report on Colorvision Channel 9, until some other arrangement is made, a commercial attaché will manage the Haiti embassy in Santo Domingo.


Supplice has a long, colorful career as a diplomat and he is a close associate of the Haitian President Michel Martelly. He is an anthropologist, sociologist, history buff and collector of Haitian old documents. In his long career as a diplomat, he has maintained several high offices like Consul General in Tokyo, Japan, First Secretary, Embassy of Haiti, Rome, Italy, First Secretary, Embassy of Haiti, Mexico City and many high offices within the country such as, Director General of Immigration and Emigration, Minister of Social Affairs are only a few of them. He was a columnist for the newspaper "Le Nouvelliste" (1990-1994), Founding Director of the Primary School St. Sebastian, Professor of Sociology and History of Civilizations, Founding member of the Popular Party of Haiti Renewal and Senate candidate for the Western Department (HAPS).

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