arrested - Haiti Observer Blog

arrested, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about arrested


Roro Nelson, now a fugitive sougth by INTERPOL

Roro Nelson is now a fugitive from Haitian justice, fleeing from custody. He is a wanted person. Government Commissioner Danton Leger was shocked to see Roro Nelson on Television participating in the Haitian musical event in Miami, Florida recently.

After more than 20 complaints against him with several court invitations left answered, Government Commissioner Danton Leger had issued an Arrest warrant against Roro Nelson. However; like many people, he was surprised to see Roro Nelson in Miami, performing with former President Michel Martelly. Mr. Leger intends to seek the help of The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to capture Roro Nelson and bring him to justice

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Rony Timothee, spokesperson and the activist iron Odige arrested

FOPARC Members Arrested on Trumped-Up Charges Sunday October 26th a mass demonstration took place in Port-au-Prince over the Martelly government, which continues to delay legislative and local elections. Two major opposition parties, the Patriotic Movement of the Democratic Opposition (MOPOD) and Patriotic Force for the Respect of the Constitution (FOPARC) issued the alert.

The Haitian National Police were out in full force while the demonstrators chanted slogans, mostly calling for President Martelly and his administration's resignation. While marching in Petion-Ville toward the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) headquarters, the opposition protestors took the CEP to task for its failure to prepare for elections, which the government has been promising for over three years. In particular, the protestors charged the opposition senators with not ratifying the electoral law, a step they should have completed eight months ago. Without ratification no legal structure exists by which to organize elections. Riot police were present at CEP headquarters to avert any incidents.

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Judge Lamarre Belizaire ordered arrest of Andre Michel on murder charges

I can imagine what has been going through the head of Judge Lamarre Belizaire. He probably said: If we can't get the top prize in reference to Former President Jean Bertrand Aristide, maybe we need to settle for something less. Someone like activist André Michel could still create some problem, but not as much.

Having said that, On Wednesday, Judge Lamarre Belizaire issued a ruling, ordering the arrest of Andre Michel. The Pro-Government Haitian judge Haitian wants Mr. André Michel as well as Enold Florestal and Josué Florestal who are already in prison, to go on trial for the murder of Frantzy Duverseau in Carmelot street, Bois-Verna, Port-au-Prince,

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Andre Michel's supporters broke into courtroom

It could be likened to a scene from a movie; a tense courthouse office, one aggrieved lawyer facing off against what he describes as government corruption. Then, incensed supporters of the lawyer break in past security guards of the association and past immobilized policemen, to whisk their champion away in a black SUV with tinted windows. Here, the drama gives way as no car chase ensues. Instead, the mite of the police is strangled by the law that protects vehicles bearing official license plates from being stopped.

Such was the drama of the Andre Michel story. About to be sent, by the judge at the aforementioned proceedings, to the state penitentiary, Michel's rescuers, including the legislator Arnel Belizaire, came down upon the proceedings and whisked him away. The government has since made its disapprobation with the taking of Michel known, but various factions are questioning the validity of the entire affair.

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Andre Michel no longer a Fugitive, is now free to move

Without Explanation, I just heard that the famous Political activist André Michel has been removed from the list of most wanted. He is now free go about his business.

Andre Michel was arrested, accused of obstructing justice after refusing to allow police and the district attorney to search his vehicle.

One might think that some of the events that took place on the day of his court presentation was orchestrated as the opposition mentioned.

"Patat Sa Gin Lè Te Tro Cho Pou Govenman an"

If you remember, several Senators were accused for interfering with the judicial process after a crowd stormed into the court house passed police, freed him from custody

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Human Rights Lawyer Andre Michel arrested in Martissant - Watch VIDEO

This is something that you can expect to be big in the next several day.

Lawyer André Michel who filed the corruption complaint against First Lady Sophia Martelly and her son Olivier Martelly was arrested in Martissant

The arrest came after the Human Rights Lawyer André Michel parked his car near a police sub-station in Martissant. He had requested the presence of his attorney. As a large crowd began to protest the arrest, an impressive detachment of CIMO agents barricaded the police station in Martissant not to allow anyone to enter and did not take time to start firing tear gas on the crowd. Subsequently, André Michel was taken away.

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Twenty Nine School principals arrested for fraud - 29 Direkte lekol Anba Kod pou vole

The Minister of Justice in Haiti, Jean Renel Sanon, confirmed that 29 school principals were arrested in the West and Artibonite Departments, specifically Gonaives. The school principals have been running some of the public and private schools in the region for fraud. It includes school principals of both public and private.

Minis Jistis la, Jean Renel Sanon, konfime ke 29 direktè lekòl yo te arete nan Gonaives. Li gen ladan l direktè lekòl nan piblik ak prive.

Sa Se Pou Dwet Long Siperye!

If this is to be true, do we have any role models left in the country

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Former Haitian telecom Jean Rene Duperval, 9 years in prison for bribery

Jean Rene Duperval a former Haitian telecom director was recently sentenced to a 9 year jail term for bribery charges. Duperval was the director of international relations for Haiti Telecom, the sole provider of land line telephone service in Haiti a company which was allowed to transact with foreign telephone companies to provide various telephone services across the countries. He was arrested with charges of having engaged in various questionable activities between the years 2003 and 2006 where evidence shows that he was actually engaging in money laundering schemes and hiding the fact with various ways developed to evade the long arm of law.

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Jean Rene Duperval, sentenced for bribery by Cinergy and Terra

Jean Rene Duperval, a senior telecommunications official in Haiti whom everyone highly thought of was found guilty on corruption charges of having received a bribe from two Miami based companies by the names Cinergy and Terra, in order to give them a lucrative long-distance phone contracts in the Caribbean nation. Evidence at his trial in March showed he took almost $500,000 in bribes. He was hired as Haiti Teleco's director of international relations by President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2003, is the first Haitian government official to be convicted at trial by the Justice Department under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The law prohibits American businesses from paying bribes to foreign businesses and government officials.

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Clifford Brandt Arrest Uncovers Network Abduction Operation

The Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCPJ) arrested Clifford Brandt, a businessman and entrepreneur, accused of kidnapping two youths, Coralie and Nicolas Moscoso. They were abducted on Bourdon Road. The kidnapping laid bare a network of abductors, who have been targeting victims for abduction for many years.

The arrest occurred on October 16, 2012 by the Cell Against Kidnapping and Criminal Brigade of the Haitian National Police (HNP). Five other suspects connected to the abduction were also taken into custody.

The abduction network has spread to the HNP. Senior command police officers and inspectors, past and present, have been implicated in abduction plots across Haiti. In particular, Inspector Edner Comé is being actively pursued, considered armed and dangerous.

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