Canape Vert - Haiti Observer Blog

Canape Vert, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Canape Vert


Inauguration of the new Community Center in Canape Vert

We have some photos for the inauguration of the new Community Center in Canapé Vert. President Michel Martelly was present on Thursday for the inauguration of this new facility equipped with five different offices that will be used by the local Government, several conference rooms and a soccer field.

What do you think?

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Arnel Belizaire rushed to hospital of Canape vert

In his twenty first day of hunger strike, Deputy Arnel Belizaire are unable to continue without the intervention of some professionals in the medical field. This Sunday, he was rushed to the hospital of Canapé vert as his his health was deteriorating to a dangerous point

Last Thursday, an infusion of saline intravenously was administered to him to prevent the hunger strike from endangering his life.

Do you think that Deputy Arnel Belizaire should continue with the hunger strike upon release from the hospital?

Pawol Pale, Pawol Komprann....

Monchè sanble yo paka ouè bout to bonnom sa yo bay pou Arnel Belizaire sa non!

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Route du Canape Vert becomes "Avenue Nelson Mandela"

It's a brand new beginning for the once splendid, upper-middle class area of Canapé Vert, and, with its new outlook to the future, there is a sentimental nod to the past as the Route du Canapé Vert is renamed, 'Avenue Nelson Mandela'.

The decision was given by presidential decree to honor the legacy of the beloved man who fought, throughout his long and illustrious career, for the liberation of blacks and the end of the apartheid scourge throughout the South African nation. The planned street signs and plaques, declaring the route's changed name, will also remind those in the future of the special impact of the man, securing his presence in Haitian posterity.

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New Projects for Sainte Marie, Balanyen and Villa Rosa in Canapevert

As a part of Canape Vert's revitalization initiative, CASEC or Boards of Directors of the Communal Section of Turgeau's 6th section initiated a project called Kanapevè Leve Kanpe. CASEC collaborated with Cordaid for this project. The project aims at building communities that are sustainable and it also aims at providing a decent life to Canape Vert residents.

Earlier during the week starting 19th of May, 2013, 3 contracts were signed. These three contracts were signed for community infrastructure works. The infrastructure work will account for a total of 5,48,150 gourdes. These 3 contracts for the realization of the Kanapevè Leve Kanpe project were signed with 3 Associations of Villa Rosa, Canape Vert.

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Canape-Vert Visit Timed for Re-Election Bids

Haiti Prime Minister (PM) Laurent Lamothe, in anticipation of upcoming national and local elections in May 2013, made an unannounced appearance in the neighborhood of Canapé-Vert. Director General Eberwein of Economic and Social Assistance, along with PM's General Secretary, Francoeur, were also present. The Martelly propaganda machine is telling the news media a first-hand look at the problems of the underclass is necessary to discover practical and viable solutions to them.

PM Lamothe met with Canapé-Vert residents after his walkabout. He related to them what the government's plans are to improve their living standards: 500 dwellings, damaged by the 2010 earthquake, will be repaired, and an outdoor plaza will be built with arena-sized TV screens installed. And a sanitation system to decontaminate water coming from polluted sources is being planned to stop cholera from attacking the population.

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First Marriott Hotel to open in Turgeau, Haiti in 2014, thanks to Bill Clinton and DIGICEL

The bell ringing that "Haiti is open for Business" sounded very loud this week as Marriott International announced that it will open its first hotel in the area of Turgeau in Port-au-Prince Haiti. The 173-room, $45 million Marriott Hotel is expected to be open in 2014.

With some convincing work coming on the part of Former US President Bill Clinton and DIGICEL Team, Marriott International has decided to be among the first in the revival of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake in the area of tourism.

The new Marriott in Port-au-Prince will be able to provide needed jobs to the population and lodging for the tourist industry which is expected to take off within the next few years in Haiti. The Hotel is to be equipped with restaurants and meeting space for non-government organizations, relief agencies and other groups.

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Jean-Claude Duvalier has been taken to Canape Vert Hospital in Haiti

Former Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier is currently receiving treatment in Canape Vert Hospital in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. Duvalier had a terrible stomach ache, accompagned with pain in the thorax.

According to Reuters news, the former Haitian president is being treated in a private Hospital after falling ill. His attorney, Reynold George said that Duvalier will stay in the Hospital to get some rest.

To complicate his situation, on wednesday, Haitian Justice issued a House Arrest order, preventing Baby Doc Jean-Claude Duvalier from leaving his residence.

On Wednesday, the Haitian justice issued a "house arrest order" against Duvalier,

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