The Voodoo Religion and the Catholic influences
Practitioners of Voodoo believe in steering their lives by managing personal bonds with Lwa via devotional objects and indulging in ceremonies of spiritual presentations. The fact that Voodoo finds its roots in Catholic Church has a chief role to play in this. They hold a belief that their God is in constant communication with the priests and not with the common person, much like the Catholic who use prayer beads and the Virgin Mary, among other things, in prayer.
Just like Voodoo Spirits, the Catholic Church has different well-esteemed saints with a similar role of prioritized duty. Adoration and reverence of sacred objects by the Catholics also relates to the Voodoo beliefs that sacred objects are permeated with spiritual characteristics. Catholic churches therefore venerate corporal remains of saints.
Voodoo followers also believe that spirits have the ability to transform into living beings after occupying a person or thing, following closely with the Catholic belief that a Eucharist transforms into the actual body and blood of Christ during Mass.
Read more: Voodoo, Catholic, Voodoo Religion, Newsletter Articles, Religion
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All Comments (2)
This is really a rare, rare photo where Houngan and a Catholic Priest or be shop hold hands together to show that there are some kind of common ground among the two Religion.
This of course give reason to the Theologian Paul Tillich that shows that all religion are alike.
This also give reason to Bar th and Bonhoeffer that shows that religion is a path to hell. Only in Christ without religion can somebody be
a connoisseur should review your comparative analysis.
the two religions as they developed are so
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