Duly Brutus - Haiti Observer Blog

Duly Brutus, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Duly Brutus


Minister of Foreign affairs in Haiti, a government secret Cash Cow

I wouldn't believe it if I did not hear it straight from the person who was in charge. During an interview with Valery Numa on Vision 2000 on Friday, June 12, 2015, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Duly Brutus made some shocking revelations. However, I don't think this performance helped his case. rather, it seems like he dig his own grave.

In an attempt to bring some clarification to a recently published report from Cour Supérieure des Comptes et du Contentieux Administratif (CSCCA), former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Duly Brutus revealed an atmosphere of abuses and corruption he had to deal with at Minister of Foreign affairs. Abuses of privileges and corruption are often the norms there with people not working but receiving their checks religiously. Also abuses of telephone use, cars belonging to the Minister and gas by staff and people with connection often take place.

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