duvalier - Haiti Observer Blog

duvalier, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about duvalier


Francois Duvalier - The First Haitian President for Life

On April 14, 1907, Francois Duvalier was born in Port-Au-Prince in Haiti. His father was once a school teacher and later, he became a judge in a municipal court. He went to Haitian National University where he graduated with a degree in Medicine in 1934. He went to advance his studies in Michigan University from 1944 to 1945. In Haiti, he was a man who liked to embrace the Haitian culture and was a leader of Griot Movement in 1930s. After graduating at Michigan, he returned back to Haiti and was appointed as the Minister for Health and Labor under President Dumarsias Estime.

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Is Michel Martelly a "Papa bon ke" or modern version of the Duvalier regime?

Looking at President Michel Martelly distributing gifts to those who could not afford to is truly a good thing. The president has been able to make Christmas for many families a little brighter. Many received gifts such as toys for the children, envelops with cash, motorcycles and even brand new cars for a few who were the luckiest.

I know this is good and specially at the end of the year it is probably a good thing to do for the people who have been through so much. Too many people in Haiti had to deal with so many bad situation for at least the past two years; namely. the 2010 earthquake, Cholera, poverty, insecurity, health issues, and much more.

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Jean Pierre Batiste AKA Jean Tatoune announced manifestation

With the nomination of Bernard Gousse hanging in the air, some popular names have surfaced. According to Jean Pierre Batiste, better known as Jean Tatoune is threatening manifestation in the streets of Haiti if the Senate does not ratify Bernard Gousse as Prime Minister. The site further reported that Jean Tatoune said that he wants the senators to hear him clearly because as he stated: " I will not tell the Senators twice".

Doesn't this sound like an order to you?

Mr. Jean Pierre Batiste AKA Jean Tatoune thinks that the country has gone for too long without a Prime Minister and feels that it comes to a point where he must use his power to get things done.

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Haiti to receive 5.8 from Switzerland on Jean-Claude Duvalier's behalf

The final process to return $5.8 million to Haiti is underway.

The assets of Jean-Claude Duvalier has been frozen in a Swiss bank since 1986
, collecting dusts. The Swiss government announced that the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) initiated forfeiture proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court (FAC) concerning the Duvalier assets frozen in Switzerland.

Frozen since 1986? I guess by now it is a hard rock.......

The "Haitian Joudalist" has learned that if everything goes according to plan, Switzerland may return up to $5.8 million to the Haitian Government

I am repeating it again: $5.8 million!

Don't you see anything wrong with this picture?

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Will Jean-Claude Duvalier be arrested today?

Breaking News. Major development in the case of Jean-Claude Duvalier in Haiti.

The Haitian authority is currently at Caribe Convention Center where they are interviewing the former Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier to determine what they should do next. According to Henry Robert Sterlin, who is the attorney for Jean-Claude Duvalier, there will be a decision today on whether to have Jean-Claude Duvalier arrested or t order him out of the country.

Human Rights activists want Jean-Claude Duvalier to be arrested for looting Haiti of billions in aids and for murdering thousands of Haitians by his Tonton Macoute
What do you think?

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