Brother Franklin Armand - Pandiassou, Haiti
With the entire country facing economic difficulties, exacerbated by the vicious cycle of agricultural deforestation, residents of Pandiassou, a small settlement in Haiti's Central Plateau, have benefited from the efforts of the missionary and their campaign to turn around the ability of the peasantry to sustain themselves in today's socio-economic climate.
Started over 25 years before, the Congregation of Little Brothers and Sisters of the Incarnate (CPFSI) first began by aiding the peasantry to feed itself. Once the immediate needs were met they set about making this abundance self-sustainable and stamping out the crippling dependency on food aid. What they established was a Konbit-like system of community farming that maximized the efficiency of the community's production. Unlike a traditional Konbit, the peasants are instrumental in the planning stages, which manifests in a more successfully cooperative undertaking.
Also establishing the success of the project was the creation of a reservoir system to catch rainwater, funded by a European Commission grant. This system, outfitted with electrical pumps, helps sustain farming through the normally dormant farming period during the dry season, making for three harvests where before there was only one.
The project has received the notice of President Michel Martelly who traveled to give his support shortly after his inauguration. Regional adaptations of this system would make considerable changes to Haiti's economy. The CPFSI has also revived the fishing system by stocking the lakes and providing freezers to store fish, turning the once struggling community into a thriving marketplace for surrounding communities.
Read more: poverty, Religion, Agriculture, Hinche, Fishing, Deforestation, Missionary, Kombit, Cooperation, Franklin Armand, Pandiassou, Dependency, People
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All Comments (1)
If I speak English, I think I could make a sin against Haiti and my People.
The same for French and Spanish.
By this way, I want to put my point in Creole, my first, better and easier language in the world.
Nenpot ki prezidan, ki vin fe kichoy pou peyi d'Ayiti.Dwe wè nesesite pou yo chwazi pè Fanklin Armand kom minis anviwonnman oubyen agrikilti peyi-a. Ba li yon respè total ke yon wa ak yon rèn merite.
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