Guidelines for Thanksgiving Dinner
Intra-family tensions erupt into fights, sometimes at the dinner table during Thanksgiving. The pleasure of feasting can be ruined by one careless remark. Here are some guidelines on how to behave
Thanksgiving Day.
If the host has declared the Thanksgiving meal will be a potluck, be sure to bring a dish. Do not duplicate someone else's dish; ask beforehand. If your finances are tight, bring cranberry sauce, horseradish, or dinner rolls.
At dinner, steer clear of conversation concerning past hurts, or anything uncomfortable to those present. Help make it a harmonious occasion for everyone gathered.
If you want to bring a guest to dinner, ask ahead of time. And think carefully of how your guest might be received. If there are any doubts, don't bring them.
Be on time and in a good mood. Be sensitive to your hosts' cues as to when dinner is ready, the post-dinner coffee and dessert in the living room, and when they want to wind down the evening.
Ask the hosts where you should sit. Don't assume you can sit anywhere. Someone like nana may be seated at a place of honor, and you don't want an awkward moment.
Ask your hosts if they need help cleaning up. Be prepared to scrub a few pots and pans. You will endear yourself to your hosts and they will look forward to seeing you at the next family gathering.
Read more: Holiday, Thanksgiving, Haitian Thanksgiving, Holiday
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