Preparing Your Home for a Disaster
Stock canned and dried goods: fruits, vegetables, and dry milk. Include healthy snacks: trail mixes and dried fruits. Store several large containers of water. Add pet food for family pets. Store Swiss knives, plastic dishware and utensils. Buy a portable stove for food preparation or cords of wood for heat and cooking.
Stock a first-aid kit and get medical bracelets for conditions like diabetes or heart problems. Ask for extra medicine refills and buy a first-aid medical book.
To protect your family from the elements, have raincoats and parkas on hand. Stock extra changes of clothing.
Make a list of relief agencies to call. Put cash and a dedicated credit card for temporary lodging into a lock box. Get extra house, car, and garage keys made. Buy extra flashlights, batteries, lighters, candles, and matches. Get notebooks and pens for writing down important information.
Store personal hygiene products, toilet paper, and a large container for bathroom functions.
Have a large sturdy table for protection against the elements, should your house cave in. Get a tarp or tent for protection against cold weather.
Have a gun and/or rifle to protect against wild animals or threatening people. Get a pair of wire cutters to cut electrical wires in your path. Include a power tool to clear fallen timber in your driveway and crowbars to get into blocked spaces.
Store these supplies in a shed in your garage.
Read more: Disaster, home, Disaster Tips, Home Tips, Disaster
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