Junior Restauno - Haiti Observer Blog

Junior Restauno, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Junior Restauno


Complaints against Jean-Bertrand Aristide by former child of "La Fanmi Se Lavi"

After being away from the limelight for so long and finally returning to Haiti from seven years of exile just last year, former president and Catholic priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide is faced with another big controversy. Only this time, it does not involve his rather unfavorable presidency in the past.

Former street children who were rescued by La Fanmi Se Lavi, a foundation established by Aristide when he was still a priest and before he was elected as the president of Haiti in 1990, recently filed a complaint against Aristide under the "Association of Victims of exploitation of the Fanmi Se Lavi". According to the association's president, Junior Restauno, the former Haitian priest and president used the foundation and the children for his personal gain. They have only received a few trips abroad while in the care of the foundation but have not yet been able to receive any other kind of needed assistance from the aid, especially in the financial aspect, Aristide acquired from the foundation's benefactors. Aside from this, the association's complaint also mentioned the former religious leader's physical violence and corruption.

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