kidnapping - Haiti Observer Blog

kidnapping, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about kidnapping


Joseph Lambert responded to charges leveled against him by Sherlson Sanon - Live Video

The presidential adviser and former Senator Southeast Joseph Lambert is back fighting for his reputation after the accusations of Sherlson Sanon that Mr. Lambert would be part of a gang involved in violent crimes and drug trafficking.

He said that the individual in question represent yet another attempt to kill him politically, especially on the eve of new elections in which he intends to participate.

The former Senator Southeast replied to implicating the Executive Director and program manager of the National Network for the Defence of Human Rights (RNDDH), Pierre Esperance and Marie Yolene Gilles, accusing them of being behind this to discredit him. He criticizes the RNDDH, naming the rape case against Mr. Josué Pierre-Louis.

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Edo Zenny and Joseph Lambert accused in network of drug trafficking and kidnapping

There has been serious accusations brought to two very important, powerful and close friends and associates of President Michel Martelly. Sherlson Sanon, a child soldier an admitted former criminal, made damning testimony on the role of Senator Edo Zenny and former Senator Joseph Lambert, in a network of murder, kidnaping and drug trafficking with members of the gang "Base Kakos"

Sherlson Sanon revealed in a testimoy made at RNDDH on March 12, 2013 that former Senator and current Presidential advisor Joseph Lambert, current Senator Edwin Zenny and Government Commissionerof Croix-des-Bouquets, Me Leny Thélusma all have been been involved in

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Marc Arthur Phebe in Court regarding Clifford Brandt Kidnapping case - Video Live

National Palace's Cat-Team head, Marc Arthur Phebe, in Court Clifford Brandt Kidnapping case

On Wednesday, July 3, 2013, Marc Arthur Phebe who has been pointed out as being the executor of Brandt's kidnapping ring was in front of the Court of Appeal in Port-au- Prince.

He was asked about the nature of his relationship with Brandt and the information he has regarding the kidnapping of two young Moscoso on October 16, 2012 in Bourdon.

More about Kidnapping in Haiti

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Dr. Schiller Alexandre, son of Boniface Alexandre attempted kidnapping

An abduction-in-progress at the home of Dr. Schiller Alexandre was aborted by the intervention of Petion-Ville police. Dr. Alexandre, whose father was ex-President Boniface Alexandre, was found by officers tied up and gagged. Former Member of Parliament, Eliphète Noel, accompanying Schiller, sustained blunt-force trauma and a machete-inflicted wound to his shoulder.

Officers apprehended two suspects at the scene, Véner Oderson and Pierre-Louis. Third assailant, Peter Féguen, remains at large. The near-abduction, reason for the home invasion, happened on the evening of May 11th in Vivy Mitchell, a neighborhood in Port-au-Prince.

Accomplice Andy Campion, a security guard, provided access to Dr. Alexandre's home after he had left for the day. The trio of kidnappers hung out, anticipating Dr. Alexandre's appearance at any time. He arrived with Estère ex-deputy Noel to find the suspects, who overtook both men. Estère managed to call police from his cell phone before being brutally assaulted.

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The trial of the Century In Haiti, Clifford Brandt and his accomplices

Clifford Brandt, businessman and entrepreneur, is being brought to justice as the lead defendant of accomplices involved in an abduction network. The network has been targeting victims of kidnapping for many years.

The Central Directorate of the Judicial Police arrested him back in October 2012, after he abducted two youths. The kidnapping laid bare a network of abductors participating in abductions going back several years. Brandt, along with 12 of his co-conspirators will be tried in a criminal court proceeding before a judge.

Judge Me Gabrielle Dominique filed an ordinance specifying charges against 19 defendants including Brandt. Brandt is being indicted on charges of kidnapping, sequestration of people against ransom, criminal conspiracy, false death threats, possession of illegal firearms, and money laundering.

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Olivier Martelly response to Kidnapping Charges

The son of president Michel Martelly was accused by many to be involved in Kidnapping. However, as a musicial, he answered to the charge the way he knows best. Olivier Martelly released a music video called "Veye Yo"

In this video, Olivier Martelly explained that people do not see your strength but your weaknesses.they will not encourage you ....

We need to watch out for all these people. Friends who do not like you, Veye Yo.

"Some say I am a kidnapper, some believe and some don't......."

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Jules Edouard Moscoso of Moscoso Children kidnapped by Brandt Kidnapping network, Assassinated

On Saturday December 8, 2012, businessman Jules Edouard Moscoso who is close relative of the Moscoso children who were kidnapped about two Months ago and received their freedom after the intervention of the U.S government was assassinated in the city of Leogane. He was found shot dead in his business, next to a UN base, in Léogane Sunday. Some of the people interviewed declared to have heard gun fires during that night.

The 57 year old Jules Edouard Moscoso is the natural cousin of Robert Moscosso, the father of the two young Moscosso children kidnapped by the Clifford Brandt network. As you may know, Clifford Brandt, a son of one of Haiti's most prominent families, was arrested on charges of kidnapping. It is largely suspected that the killing of Jules Edouard Moscoso is not unrelated to the kidnapping of the Moscoso children and the arrest of Clifford Brandt.

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Haiti Government Replies to Jacques Roche Accusations

A formal denial from the government was delivered by Ady Jean Gardy, Minister of Communication in Port-au-Prince that in the year 2005, Michel "Sweet Micky" Martelly, a musician and others had kidnapped, tortured and then killed Jacques Roche, a poet and journalist.

Accusations Made By Francoise Annick Joseph
Francoise Annick Joseph, the Artibonite/Inite Senator made the accusations. He stated that he had just recalled the news that in Haiti everyone knows about this. He states that Michel Martelly was a personality involved in the case in which Jacques Roche; a journalist was killed after being handcuffed, kidnapped, tortured and shot dead on 10th July 2005 in Port-au-Prince.

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Clifford Brandt had the power to Overthrow the Haitian Government

I am not kidding!

The current Haitian president, Michel Martelly, admitted that Clifford Brandt kidnapping network was so powerful in Haiti that it has the ability to overthrow the Government.

The declaration came while the Haitian president was in Europe. Martelly made the declaration at a meeting with the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs, jointly with the Committee on Development and in association with a Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.

"We Need help"

According to Michel Martelly, "This is the first time in Haiti we dismantles a network of bandits of this magnitude".

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Jacmel Reacted on Jean Marie Patrice Etienne's slaying and Jorry Maxy's Kidnapping

One thing in Haiti that seems to become successful in its decentralization is the new phenomenon of Kidnapping in Haiti. On Monday (11-19-12), several hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in Jacmel to denounce the slaying of well known agronomist Jean Marie Patrice Etienne and the kidnapping of 3 years old, Jorry Maxy.

The population in Jacmel is saying enough is enough. This has become the latest flashpoint in Haiti related to kidnapping. It ignited anger, drawing a crowd of thousands on Monday in Jacmel.

The population took the opportunity to denounce authorities in the City for not providing a safe environment for the population in Jacmel. The cited recent increase in criminality and kidnapping occurring throughout the city. This was the second time in just a few weeks that the population in Jacmel rose up against kidnapping.

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