Law School - Haiti Observer Blog
Law School, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Law School
New Law School at Aristide University in Haiti
Following an announcement made on July 8, 2013, University of San Francisco professor of law, Nicole Phillips unveiled plans for a four-year law program, aimed at creating Haiti's next generation of lawyers, to be opened at the University of Aristide Foundation (UniFa). The program, which will have 150 enrollees, is set to begin its first semester of classes this coming fall. Phillips has already been drafted for faculty duty, and the wish is that other educators in the US legal system can be brought to Haiti to impart their knowledge; most significantly through a partnership between UniFa and the University of San Francisco.
Fabre Geffrard allowed African-Americans to settle in Haiti
Guillaume Fabre Nocolas Geffrard or simply Fabre Geffrard was the 10th President of Haiti who sworn in as the head of the Republic in 1859 and stayed in power till 1867. Few of his important achievements include placating peasants through revival of state-owned land selling practice and he also ended the differences with Roman Catholic Church. As the schism was erased, the Roman Catholic Church eventually played a very crucial role in improving the education system in Haiti.
The first thing Fabre Geffrard did after coming to power was that he reduced the army size from 30,000 to its half at 15,000 and at the same time created presidential guards who were trained by Fabre Geffrard himself. In 1859, the National Law School was founded by him and the Medical School started by Boyer was reinstituted. Several lycea were established and modernized by his two ministers François Elie-Dubois and Jean Simon Elie-Dubois. In 1863, the colonial rule of building and maintaining roads were reintroduced. In 1861 African-Americans were allowed to settle in Haiti.
Human Rights Attorney Mario Joseph
Haitian-American human rights attorney and Director of Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI), Mario Joseph, provides legal services for those incarcerated for speaking out against the government of Haiti (GOH). He also goes to bat for impoverished Haitians and citizens harmed because of their political beliefs.
Mario Joseph earned his university degree from École Normale Supérieure and studied at Gonaïves Law School. He began his career as human rights counsel for the Peace and Justice Commission of the Catholic Church. In 1996, he became a member of BAI.
Joseph's most significant case was the Raboteau Massacre trial, in which he was lead counsel, representing survivors of the event. The six-week trial ended with 53 convictions and punitive damages of $43 million USD, assessed against the offenders. Joseph did not stop with the Haitian convictions. He assisted the Center of Justice and Accountability to try other instigators involved in the Raboteau Massacre in the U.S. judicial system.
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