Creole community united

The Creole community is constantly growing in the world. Recently on 28th October they celebrated 28th annual gathering in Victoria, the Creole capital of the world. In the international calendar this day is remembered as "World Creole Day". Many musicians from La Reunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Martinique, Seychelles and Haiti performed one after another on this occasion before joining a family show at the end.


Many journalists were present in the audience. "Unbelievable" was the one single word to describe their experiences in the diversity and self belongingness displayed by the community. Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture said Seychelles feels proud to host this annual gathering of the Creole community and by presenting many talented musicians from six islands from the world of Creoles.

"Creole" is a natural language developed from some parent languages that was influenced most dominantly by the group closest in its social context. It developed with phonetic, grammatical and semantic variations. Like most minority and unofficial languages, it is regarded as degenerate variants of their parent languages. 'Creole' differs from 'pidgins' which is a simplified means of linguistic communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common. Some scholars are, however, of opinion that 'pidgins' is the predecessor of 'Creole'.

Many of the Creoles spoken today are over 500 years old. It arose during the period of European maritime power and trade in the Age of Discovery. Academic and political changes in recent time have improved the status of Creole both as an object of linguistic study and living languages.

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Read more: Creole, Martinique, Language, La Reunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Culture

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