Moise Jean Charles - Haiti Observer Blog

Moise Jean Charles, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Moise Jean Charles


You have 15 days or I will talk, Moise Jean Charles to Jean Bertrand Aristide

As a result of the public note issued by Fanmi Lavalas on November 29 to let the public know that neither Senator Moïse Jean Charles nor Arnel Belizaire have the right to speak on behalf of the party, an ultimatum has been issued by Moise Jean Charles. According to the later, Jean Bertrand Aristide has only fifteen days to say whether or not he endorse the decision of the board of the party. If he does not talk on the matter within 15 days, Moise will put some "kaka Chat" out.

Knowing what Moise Jean charles know, will Jean Bertrand Aristide say something before the 15 days deadline to avoid any revelation that might put him in a bind?

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La Fanmi Divize, Camp Maryse Narcisse Vs. Camp Moise Jean Charles

In a reunion organized in the city of Les Cayes, the division in the political party appears to be more obvious. As you can see in this video, the majority of the the participants in this meeting were in favor of Moise Jean Charles and not so much in favor of Maryse Narcisse.

Ki sa ki pou fet lè ke giyin problem nan kay la?

Maryse Narcisse was having such a tough time conducting the meeting with the supporters of Moise Jean charles making noises, as Maryse was speaking. Is this a sign that the division in Fanmi Lavalas will eventually split the party?

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Moise Jean-Charles in open conflict with Fanmi Lavalas Hierarchy

People say a picture is worth a thousand words. With this new development in the Fanmi Lavalas where there is a public conflict between Senator Moise Jean-Charles and Deputy Arnel Belizaire on the one side and Maryse Narcisse, Pasha Vorbe and Claude Roumain on the other, I call it simple Sibling Rivalry.

Mezanmi, Mwen ta Konseye Nou Gade Bagay la Pi Prè

Here is the picture that makes sense to me in term of how I see the new and restructured Lavalas Party following this new development:


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Fanmi Lavalas Ba Moise Jean-Charles et Arnel Belizaire yon bwa Long Kimbe

Eske nou panse ke Jean Bertrand Aristide et Maryse Narcisse panse ke 2 mesye sa yo, Senator Moise Jean-Charles et Deputy Arnel Belizaire, indesirab oubien ke se yon strategy ke Pati Fanmi lavalas la ape jwe ak moun serye? I have some doubt!

In a press conference, the group responsible for Fanmi Lavalas stated that these two individuals are not members of the party and also never showed their interest to become member. As a result, any statement made by Senator Moise Jean-Charles and Deputy Arnel Belizaire in the press is not in any way, form or shape the opinion of the party.

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Apre Manifestasyo 29 Novam, Moise Jean-Charles di Martelly Tombe - Video

Mezanmi, Eske Michel Martelly pa nan pouvwa sa ankor? Paceke moin tande senate Moise jean Charles di Presidan nou an tombe.

Ki moun ki nan pale national la minm

Here is the video where the Senator of North Moise Jean Charles stated that Haiti no longer has a president.

Mezanmi, pa ginyin 2 Moise Jean Charles non

Events of 29 November 2013: Speech of the Senator

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Haitians en Route to U.S. Embassy met barricades, tear gas

Another day of protest came and went in Haiti. Thousands of Haitians demonstrated on November 29, 2013 to demand that President Michel Martelly steps down.

This time the objectives of the protest were to ask the US Government to stop supporting the government of Michel Martelly and also to commemorate the election day massacre in Ruelle Vaillant.

Senator Moise Jean Charles wanted to meet uncle Sam; However, it did not happen. The group that went to march in front of the US Embassy met instead Riot police who blocked the area with barricades water cannon.

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Moise Jean Charles, Woue Pa Woue, Manifestasyon Douvan Ambasad

According to Moise Jean Charles, the anti-government demonstration will take place at the U.S. Embassy in Tabarre November 29. They will be in Tabarre to give a message to the US Ambassador. Moise Jean Charles wants the Americans to come and remove Michel martelly from office.

Mezanmi Moise Jean Charles di li Pap Fe bak. Vle pa Vle, Woue Pa Woue, Pare Pa pare, Randevou devan Ambasad. Mezanmi Gin gro neg oui nan payi sa.

According to Moise Jean charles after unsuccessful attempt to meet the children of Petion in Petion-Ville, the children of Dessalines will meet Uncle sam

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Senate Moise Jean-Charles ape Depoze en France - Video

This is a video of Senator Moise Jean-Charles in a televised discussion that was held in French. The Senator of North was obligated to express himself in the French language.

Senator Moise Jean-Charles received lots of critics for his ability to express himself in French.

Senator Moise Jean-Charles is definitely a controversial figure in Haitian politic. He has been defending the mass and is in total opposition to the government of Michel Martelly whom he accused for corruption and drug dealing.

When it comes to Moise Jean-Charles, you are either for or against him. If you are for him you likely love his message. On the other hand, if you don't agree with him, you likely have very strong feeling against his person.

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Moise Jean-Charles urges Civil disobedience and Not to pay Tax

How many people are going to follow this order from Moise Jean Charles?

Moise Jean Charles wants the population to move to the next stage of the protest. According to the Senator of North, people should stop paying taxes to the government and he wants everyone to engage in public Civil disobedience.

The opposition wants to schedule the next major protest in front of the U.S. embassy in Port-au-Prince. According to Moise Jean-Charles, the American government is responsible for Michel Martelly

I guess he assumes that Michel Martelly no longer has any power in Haiti.

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Here comes Moise Jean Charles on Cap-Haitian Incident

In the neighborhood where I grew up in Haiti, there was someone just like Senateur Moise Jean Charles, One who seems to know everything and something about everyone.

We would call them" "Moun Tripot"

Was that the case for you?

My Mother use to call these people:
" Dyol A Lè Lè"
" Pitit Sa Gin Yon Vwonmisman Malkadi"
" Moun Sa, Pa Gin Sa Li Pa Di A Dyol Li"
" Ou Kwe Se Pa Fe Yo Fe Pitit La Sa?"
" Yon Jou Lang Li Ap Rete Pandye Sou Lestomak Li"

Moise Jean-Charles is quite unique in this area. The Senator of North Department seems to know everything. So you can imagine that he would have an answer for the incident that took place recently where School children from two popular schools in the city of Cap-Haitian were the object of attacks.

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