Mormon - Haiti Observer Blog

Mormon, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Mormon


Mia Love prides herself as Mormon, not as Haitian-American

In one of her first moves as a member of congress, Republican Mia Love has begun to distance herself from her Haitian roots. This news comes just weeks after Haitians celebrated alongside the first Black woman in the Republican party to achieve the feat of becoming a congresswoman. It seems Ms. Love is more attuned to her Mormon side than her Haitian-American roots.

Granted, Ms. Love has made no particular denouncement of the Haitian side of her heritage, her parents both being immigrants from the country, but her repeated references to herself as a Mormon woman has left the impression that is the facet of her past she wishes to acknowledge. It has left many of those who rose up to support her either on the fence or completely now on the other side. Apart from the round-about renouncement, Love's very religion will prove an alienating factor for Haitians, 80% of whom are Roman Catholic. It has also been said that many Haitians will not understand what a Mormon is. Some apparently believe it has something to do with the devil. It is also said that Love's parents were distressed when both she and her sister decided to follow that faith.

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