Pierre Simon Georges - Haiti Observer Blog
Pierre Simon Georges, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Pierre Simon Georges
From Josue Pierre-Louis to Emmanuel Menard - Gouvenman An kenbe kontwol CTCEP
Another representative of the Executive government has taken control. The 9 members of the College Transitional of Permanent Electoral Council (CTCEP), have elected the various members to fulfill the various positions. Emmanuel Ménard, the representative of the Executive branch of government was elected president.
Here is the actual structure with their new positions:
Composition of the Bureau of CTCEP :
Emmanuel Ménard, Chair (Executive Branch)
Mary Clunie Dumay Miracles, Vice - President (Legislative Power)
Marie Carole Duclervil Floréal, General Secretary (Judicial Power)
Pierre Simon Georges, Treasurer (Legislative Power)
Applyx Felix, Advisor (Judicial Power)
Chantal Raymond, Advisor (Executive Power)
Léopold Berlanger, Advisor (Judicial Power)
Margareth Giraud St-Louis, Advisor (Executive Power)
Joseph Néhémy, Advisor (Legislative Power)
I have a Panic attack.
I don't know about you but I feel that the Government is either lucky, influencial or is working to get control of the CTCEP at any cost.
Nehemie Joseph, Pierre Simon Georges, Mary Clunie Dumay chosen for the CEP
The Haitian parliament has finally fixed their choice by providing its three names to represent them at the electoral council in Port-au-Prince. The three individuals are comprised of two men: Nehemie Joseph and Pierre Simon Georges, with one woman, Mary Clunie Dumay.
This announcement was made by the Vice-President of the Senate, Senator Andris Riche on a Radio station
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