Dominican says Haitians are involved in four of every five crimes
Whatever it is, I smell a "Rat" in these latest finding coming from the Dominican Republic.
According to Dominican Police sources, at least one Haitian or a group of Haitians is involved in four of every five crimes committed in the Dominican Republic.
The report stated that the Police is actively seeking more than 1,000 Haitian fugitives who escaped from prison in Haiti following prison collapse during the January, 2010 earthquake. It was further reported that most of them are very dangerous criminals who have been convicted of murder, aggravated assault, and the kidnapping in Haiti.
I know we have been producing some criminals. However, is it true that at least four of every crime in the Dominican Republic involves a Haitian national?
I would ask that they check their source once more. This is simply not true
What do you think?
Read more: dominican, crime, Dominican Republic, kidnapping, Prison, Prison Escape, Newsletter Articles, International
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All Comments (3)
It is really a disgrace that Haitians insist on living in this country...the Dominicans don't want them there.
Our government should move the country forward so they can come back to their
Another way of disgracing haitians.
As if dominicans don't commit crime.
They are corrupt, I was there & when our SUV was leaving family home near the cane field police stopped us, they wanted everyone to get out to search the SUV, if we didn't pay
Ces chiffres sont improbables.
Possible que beaucoup de criminels Haitiens aient traverse la frontiere.Mais le Domonicain est repute plus violent que l'Haitien, et en depit du volume d'emigration nous ne seront jamais en majorite en R D.Nous serions donc tous des diables et eux, des enfants de choeur?
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