protest - Haiti Observer Blog
protest, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about protest
Video of Delimart Plaza being looted by demonstrators in Port-au-Prince
Here is an amazing video of Delimart Plaza in Delmas 32, Route de Delmas during the protest over fuel price increase on July 7, 2018. Delimart was founded by Dr. Reginald Boulos in 2000. It is one of the biggest super market chain in Port-au-Prince. The address is Delmas 32, Port-au-Prince, Haiti,
Recently on July 6, 2018, when everybody was enjoying the world cup football quarterfinal matches, the Haitian Commerce and Economic Ministry issued a joint statement announcing an increase of 38%, 47% and 51% price for gasoline, diesel, and kerosene respectively. Major protests erupted on Friday in the country with demonstrators using burning tires and barricades to block major streets across the capital and in the northern city of Cap-Haitien. Dozens of shops were looted and burned. Cars were set ablaze. At least four people were killed.
Ex Haitian soldier stoned to death by anti-government demonstrators
On Friday, close to 100 former Haiti disbanded military and supporters took to the street of Port-au-Prince in a show of force. Many were in uniform and armed with guns and pistols. As a group of these former soldiers in a pick up truck passed by a group of anti-government protest, some protesters threw rocks at them, causing some soldiers to fire.
No casualties among the anti-government demonstrators have been reported so far; however, former army captain Neroce Ciceron, was captured by the protesters, assaulted repeatedly with rocks until his death.
Haitian Kreyol:
ansyen sòlda ayisyen mouri nan echanj ak manifestan anti-gouvènman
PHTK protest in St Mark aborted due to lack of Participation
It is normal that people do not want to associate themselves with a loosing team. This is probably what explains the cancellation of a protest organized by PHTL and the supporters of Jovenel Moise on January 28 in St Mark. A protest march organized by PHTK supporters was programmed to begin at 10:00AM on January 28 at Freedom boulevard in St Mark; however, it was cancelled due to lack of participation. Franky Christmas who is the regional Coordinator of PHTK was unable to explain why supporters did not show up. He promised that the mobilization will continue in the future.
Ladwan nan Thomassique brule Apre ajan tire 2 chofe kamyon
Nou te aprann ke Samdi pase (5 desanm) ajan Ladwàn nan vil fwontyè a Thomassique ouvèr zam sou de chofè kamyon ke yo te sispèk te ap travèse fwontyè a nan teritwa ayisyen Avèk kèk machandiz ki pa te enspekte. Youn chofè, Déribert Nelson te frape nan li te mouri imedyatman. Yo te jwenn Lòt chofè a, Jean François Pierre, pita ki te mouri tou.
Rezidan yo te fache pou itilizasyon gwo zam sa yo, te pran lari pou te pwotèste kont sa. Yo mete barikad, boule kawotchou ak mete dife nan Ladwàn Thomassique
Ki sa ou panse?
Grev annonce pou Lendi 7 Desanm anile, oppopsition pe enfiltrasyon
Dirigants Tab mobilizasyon oppopsition Demokratik ki te kreye pa canditats G8, nan yon konferans pou laprès ki te bay Dimance sa a, anile grèv sa ki te pwograme pou jodi Lendi, 7 Desanm 2015. Dapre aktivis sa yo, yo te resevwa enfòmasyon ke pouvwa Tet Kale ape fè yon manèv enfiltrasyon kote ke yo ape planifye commetre vyolans epi mete responsablite a sou opozisyon an.
The strike scheduled for today, (Monday, December 7, 2015) has been cancelled by the opposition.
The organizers of the Democratic oppopsition created by the canditats of G8, at a press conference on Dimance announced the cancellation of a general strike that was scheduled for today Monday, 7 December 2015 in Haiti.
Haiti protests start with Damballah-Wedo Voodoo Symbol, campfire
Have you ever noticed that the majority of protests in Haiti often starts one way. Someone will draw in the middle of the street the Voodoo Symbol in Haitian language called Damballah-Wedo, then a campfire will be set right in the middle of the sign where people participate in song turning around the fire. I am trying to understand the meaning of all that. Anyone with some knowledge, please share with us. In Haitian Voodoo, Damballah-Wedo is viewed as a loving father to the world and associated with creation. However, in many protests in Haiti, we find lots of destruction. How do you explain that?
More protests by Lavalas, G8 moves into Dechoukaj mode
Fanmi lavalas as well as the group G8 are preparing for more disturbances in Haiti for the coming days. Fanmi lavalas announced two days of protest for today (12/3/15) and Saturday in the objective to continue to demand that the CEP respect the votes of the population. They intend to join their efforts with the G8 who also announced two days of protest for today and Saturday as well. In addition to the two day protest, the group G8 has also announced a strike for Monday, December 7. They are demanding the departure of the government of Michel Martely.
Funeral of Black-Alex at Eglise St-Pierre of Petion-ville
Jamecy Alex Pierre, or Black Alex as he was better known, passed away on November 13, 2015 at the age of 39 after a prolonged illness of tuberculosis. He was the king of Haitian Rap and Ragga, an icon and member of the popular 90s Haitian rap group 'King Posse'. He had a knack for paintings.
Death was never a stranger to Black Alex. Back in, on April, 2006, when Black Alex was leaving a concert which was part of a soccer game, as well, in the suburb of Port-au-Prince, he was robbed at gunpoint by a bunch of goons for a diamond chain, a gift from another rapper Wyclef Jean. The robbers shot him four times. Last year he was admitted to a hospital with pneumonia and there was rumor of his death in February 2015.
Man caught with Machete during Protest in Haiti
Here is a man the police was able to apprehend before things got really ugly. As you can see in this picture, during a protest against the election results this man is equipped with a machete hidden under his clothes. This person was likely to use his weapon if it was not stopped by the Haitian Police
Haitian Kreyol:
Gade, se yon nonm lapolis arete anvan bagay yo te reyèlman lèd. Kòm ou ka wè nan foto sa a, pandan yon pwotestasyon kont rezilta eleksyon an, nonm sa a ekipe ak yon manchèt kache anba rad li. Te gen anpil chans pou li sèvi ak zam sa si la Polis ayisyen pate kimbe li
New demonstration against publication of final Election results
A protester argues with an officer of the National Police, demonstrators demanding the removal of current government, burning tires and throwing stone. These are now common scenes in the streets of Port-au-Prince.
WATCH (M)VIDEO: New Anti-government protests erupted in Haiti
Haitian Kreyol:
Nouvo demonstrasyon kont piblikasyon rezilta final Eleksyon. Yon pwotestè ki ape diskite ak yon ofisye Polis Nasyonal la, manifestan mande pou retire gouvènman aktyèl la, boule kawotchou ak voye wòch. Se sa ki kounye a nan lari Pòtoprens.
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