protest - Haiti Observer Blog

protest, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about protest


Is the opposition biting more they can chew by protesting at US Embassy?

The leaders of MOPOD is determined to hold the next protest on November 29 in front of the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince on November 29, 2013. This is a new land that the opposition leader is venturing in by deciding to scheduling their next protest in front of the US Embassy. Are they will they accept the consequences.

Since September 11, 2001 where several terrorist attacks were launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York City and Washington, D.C., the policy of the United States has changed as to what constitutes a threat to them. Having a huge crowd of people gathering in front of their embassy in protest, can be categorized as such a threat.

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Opposition to protest at US Embassy on November 29

The opposition has a new slogan. After unsuccessfully attempting to meet Petion, Dessalines will visit Uncle Sam as new protest isa scheduled at the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince on November 29, 2013

As the Opposition in Haiti intends to keep up the pressure on President Michel Martelly to leave office, they are scheduling to stage new demonstration. According to the leaders of the opposition, the next randez-Vous is for November 29 at the US embassy in Port-au-Prince.

They promised to liberate the country. According to the opposition, this is the Bulan:

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School of Ethnology Student lost Hand from Grenade Blast - Video

I want to warn you that this picture may be disturbing to some. the actual video of the student who lost his hand as a result of a grenade blast during the protest on November 18.

This video taken by Frantz Etienne shows the hand hanging with blood all over. The victim was identified as a student at the School of Ethnology at the State University in Haiti.

This happened after he decided to grab a grenade that was launched over toward the University of the School of Ethnology on Monday by the Police and to throw it back at them

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Moise Jean-Charles urges Civil disobedience and Not to pay Tax

How many people are going to follow this order from Moise Jean Charles?

Moise Jean Charles wants the population to move to the next stage of the protest. According to the Senator of North, people should stop paying taxes to the government and he wants everyone to engage in public Civil disobedience.

The opposition wants to schedule the next major protest in front of the U.S. embassy in Port-au-Prince. According to Moise Jean-Charles, the American government is responsible for Michel Martelly

I guess he assumes that Michel Martelly no longer has any power in Haiti.

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Pro Michel Martelly Demonstration turns into money discussion

In the city of Cap-Haitian where the president was present, the population showed some support. In Port-au-prince, however, it turns to a fight for money

PaPa Nwel Te nan Lari

Here is what I learned regarding some of the groups who came out to support the Government of Michel Martelly on November 18, 2013

Rosemond Jean who was the principal leader and figure of the group supporting the government of Michel Martelly came late to meet the pro government group

Papa Nwel Kon Bay Main Li Pa Kon Separe

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Anti Martelly Protest on anniversary of Battle of Vertieres - Videos

Haiti was marked by protest, burning tire, gas and rock throwing on November 18, 2013 as anti-government demonstrations took to the streets to show their frustration against the current government of Michel Martelly.

On the anniversary of the Battle of Vertieres, large number of people decided to send a clear message to the government of Michel Martelly that they are not satisfied with the direction of the country.

The protest that started normally in the popular neighborhoods around the capital was later met with tear gas by police in Petion-Ville and rock throwing by others.

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Opposition to Michel Martelly came out reinforced today

If you ask the opposition after the protest agaainst the Government of Michel Martelly what do you think they will answer?

I Feeeeeel Goooood!

Several thousands of people took to the street to demand the removal of Michel Martelly from office. The population came out in mass and the organizators claimed the protest to be a success.

According to Senator Moise Jean charles, this is the end of Michel Martelly. There is nothing else left for Michel Martelly

On the other hand, there were some acts by the mainifestansts that did not help the cause. People were engaged in removing picture of the President on from the street. In another instance, a gentleman took pleasure in taking care of his biological need on the president's picture.

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Anti-Michel Martelly Protest - Live Video

Here is the first video of an Anti Martelly protest made available. There have been several protests throughout the Haitian Capital as well as in the city of Cap-Haitian

It has also been reported that the participants have been victims of gas used by the Haitian Police. There have been also several instances of rock throwing.

The situation has been tense throughout the day. It definitely did not look like a regular day in Cap-Haitian. For the commemoration of the 210th anniversary of the Battle of Vertières many police officers and specialized forces were deployed in anticipation of this popular protest.

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Two Groups protesting, a Pro and an Anti Martelly to clash soon

We have the first pictures of the day for the commemorations of Bataille de Vertieres 2013. This ceremony took place this morning in the city of Cap-Haitian.

It has been reported that the manifestation against the government of Michel Martelly is strong. According to reporter from Radio Caraibes, several Manifestants have taken to the streets both in Cap-Haitian and Port-au-Prince, demanding the depart of Michel Martelly.

This is going to be a long day in Haiti

Things are expected to be very dangerous as the manifestants are planning to head to Petion-Ville. In the meantime, it has been reported that there is another group of manifestantants "Pro Government" who are expected to meet the other one

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Battle of Vertieres, Day Day for Demonstration has arrived

Today, November 18, 2013 marks the Battle of Vertières near Cap-Haitian which is considered as the last major battle for Haiti Independence. If my predictions hold, today is expected to be filled with street protestation against the government of Michel Martelly

Pwal Gin Kouri nan Payi Sa Jodia!

Public protest is scheduled to take place in Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haitian and some major other cities throughout the country. Some will be demonstrating for and some against the Martelly Government.

What about the latest rumors out there?

On the one side, I heard that the protest will be going to Petion-Ville once again as Dessalines is trying to meet Petion. On the other side, the supporters of the government accused the opposition for accepting money from the Dominican Republic to finance the protest .

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