Former President Bill Clinton and his experience with Haitian Voodoo
The former US President recalled that back in 1975 after his wedding with Hillary, the couple was awarded a trip to Haiti from a friend David Edwards
Bill Clinton explained in his book that Hillary, his friend Edwards and he went to see a voodoo ceremony near Port-au-Prince. After a brief description of the voodoo religion, later that day, Voodoo priest Max Beauvoir later conducted a voodoo ceremony in their presence.
The Clinton's watched the arrival the spirit, people putting burning torch over their body, walking on hot coals without being burned while other grabbing live chicken and biting their head off.
Bill Clinton wrote that the lesson taken from that experience in Haiti is that "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
Eksperyans Ansyen Prezidan Bill Clinton ak vodou ayisyen
Ansyen Prezidan Bill parèt aklè yon nouvo liv ki rele '"My Life" kote li pale de eksperyans li ak vodou ayisyen. Sa te ede l' nan konprann ki jan diferan kilti eseye fè sans lavi, lanati, ak fòs espirityèl
Ansyen prezidan ameriken an te raple ke apre maryaj li yo ak Hillary nan 1975, yo te ale nan yo vwayaj an Ayiti ak kanmi yo David Edwards.
Bill Clinton eksplike nan liv la ke yo te ale wè yon seremoni vodou tou pre Pòtoprens. Apre yon deskripsyon de relijyon an, vodou prèt Max Beauvoir te fè yon seremoni vodou nan prezans yo.
Clinton te gade arive a Lespri, moun ki boule flanbo sou kò yo, ap mache sou chabon dife san yo pa boule pandan yon lòt rache tèt yo poul. Bill Clinton ekri leson li te pran nan eksperyans sa se ke "Senyè a ap travay nan fason misterye."
Read more: Voodoo, Hillary Clinton, Voodoo Ceremony, Newsletter Articles, People
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All Comments (5)
the filthy hogs known as the Clintons are trying once again to occupy the white house to further ruin this nation and to continue keeping a grip on the island of Haiti.
Clinton owns more acres of land in Haiti than Haiti's president.
that crazy red neck mesed Harlem up- now he's messing Haiti
The fact that he's been practicing Voodoo since 1975 makes him an enemy of our people since 1975..
Voodoo is not about friendship it's about enmity.
Everything he did in regard to Haiti proves it beginning with reinstating Aristide as president of Haiti to the mining contract where he's taking for himself 98 percent of Haiti's
Bill did not say whether or not Mr. Max Beauvoir works for him.
As a successful two term President in the United States, he probably participated in some very good Voodoo ceremonies in Haiti.
One thing I can tell you is that this is the harvest season for the Haitian Houngans.
We are in the election season and many candidates running for various elected post in Haiti will be consulting
Ayibobo for Bill and Hillary Clinton for havind an open mind about various religions.
As educated people, they clearly understand that religion is nothing more than a way for human to understand the world they are living in. They also understand that there are no religions that are necessarily better than another
The Clinton are my favorite people in the
It seems to me that Bill and Hillary have been more involved in the Haitian Voodoo.
They probably have their own "Ogatoir" in their home.
By the way, the same way some Haitian candidates are currently going to see some Houngan to increase their chances for the next election in Haiti, Hillary might want to do the same for the next Presidential election in
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