Hillary Clinton - Haiti Observer Blog

Hillary Clinton, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton and her $200,000 Wall Street Speeches

In October 2013, Hillary Clinton was paid $225,000 to speak at Goldman Sachs "Builders and Innovators" conference. The audience at the Ritz Carlton Dove Mountain Resort in Marana, Arizona was filled with tech entrepreneurs and investors. Some of the attendees said what Clinton said there was nothing controversial or memorable. If it sounds like a lot of money, it is actually roughly on the line what other famous public speakers receive per speech, for example, Donald Trump $1.5 million+, Bill Clinton $225,000+, George W. Bush $150,000, Condoleezza Rice $150,000, etc.

The price tag has less to do with the content of the speeches themselves. Hillary Clinton is the only woman in the U.S to become First Lady and held elected office herself-- even before her husband was the President. She was named one of the 100 most influential lawyers by the National Law Journal. It is a known fact to many that Goldman Sachs is almost like an extended family to the Clintons. When Hilary's son-in-law opened a hedge fund, one of the primary investors in the fund was none other than Lloyd Blankfein, the Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. Hillary Clinton's top financial adviser is Gary Gensler; he is a former partner of Goldman Sachs who worked in Bill Clinton's administration.

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Hillary Clinton's Role in 2012 Benghazi attack

On the evening of September 11, 2012, in Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya, some Islamic militants attacked the American diplomatic compound, killing U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. Several hours later, a second assault targeted a different compound about one mile away, killing CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. According to United Nations' U.S. ambassador, Susan Rice, the attack was in some way, a response to protests to an anti-Islam video (Innocence of Muslims). Hillary Clinton, being the Secretary of State and an important member of the cabinet, subsequently took the responsibility of the security lapse at the compound. However, 'Judicial Watch' a conservative foundation that fights for accountability and integrity, obtained certain files that show that State Department officials under Hillary Clinton's command blatantly lied about this attack.

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Hillary Clinton and the email controversy

On March 2015, a controversy unfolded against the backdrop of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election campaign that she used personal email addresses connected to a privately-owned server, rather than government email accounts maintained on secured federal servers. She practiced this during her four year tenure as President Barack Obama's first-term Secretary of State. To some experts, this practice violated State Department protocols and procedures, as well as federal laws and regulations governing record keeping.

As per Hillary, she did nothing wrong on violating government policy, because some previous Secretaries of State, including Colin Powell, had also used personal email server, it became controversial because the system is prohibited under the present federal policy, to be more specific, it was enacted in 2014, after Clinton departed the State Department.

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Hillary Clinton's Brother & Rare Gold Mining Permit

Tony Rodham is the youngest brother of Hillary Rodham Clinton. He is a former repo man, prison guard and private detective who used to work to secure foreign financing for a company. In October 2013, Tony Rodham joined the advisory board of VCS Mining, a Delaware-based company that was planning a gold mine in the Cap-Haïtien and was awarded the contract for carrying mining activities. It was a both lucrative and controversial deal, because Haiti has an estimated gold reserve of about $20 billion and the permit for mining was not issued to anyone in the last 50 years.

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Did Hillary Clinton Help In Maintaining Slave Wages In Haiti?

In 2009, when Hillary Clinton was at the State Department working with U.S. corporations, she pressured Haiti so that its Parliament does not raise the minimum wage rate to 61 cents an hour from 24 cents. Some memos found from the Wikileaks strongly suggest that the U.S State Department aggressively blocked the proposed minimum wage increase. The U.S Embassy officials in Haiti clearly opposed such wage hike and met several times with the factory owners and in turn, the factory owners directly lobbied against the raise to the Haitian president. The motive behind this move to fix a slave wage rate (less than $5.00 per day) for Haitian workers was perhaps to benefit the big U.S clothing manufacturers like, Levi's, Hanes and Polo.

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Hillary Clinton held responsible for Haiti recovery setback

Even six years after the massive earthquake, many people in Haiti continue to hold that Hillary Clinton's State Department and the Clinton Foundation are responsible for a recovery effort that cost billions, but yielded a very little return. The Haitians often claim that earthquake aid money was mismanaged and lucrative deals went to Clinton cronies. To make room for Caracol Industrial Park, a Clintons' signature project in Haiti valuing $224 million, 366 farmers were evicted, valuable agricultural lands were acquired and as per late 2015, it created only 5,000 jobs instead of 60,000 promised jobs.

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Chelsea Clinton emailed Dad, Mom on Haitian relief concerns

One of the 4,368 documents released from presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's personal email server shows an email from her daughter Chelsea Clinton addressed to "Dad" and "Mom" explaining her concerns about the Haitian relief efforts.

Chelsea went on to say that: "If we do not quickly change the organization, management, accountability and delivery paradigm on the ground, we could quite conceivably confront tens of thousands of children's deaths by diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid and other water-related diseases in the near future"

The email is comprised of a seven page letter where she took her time to demonstrate the inability of the United nations to manage the recovery effort. The date this email was written is unknown; however, following the 2010 earthquake, Chelsea Clinton spent four days in Haiti working as a part of the relief effort.

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Hillary Rodham Clinton's Brother, Received Haiti Gold Exploitation Permits

A new book slated to hit bookshelves nationwide on May 5th by the New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer, reveals that in 2012, a mining company named Delta Societe Miniere S.A, a subsidiary of VCS Mining, Inc., headed by Tony Rodham brother of Ms. Hillary Clinton, had been awarded super-rare mining permit from Haiti. The book, entitled, "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How & Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich" describes how the Clinton family has accumulated $100+ million personal wealth; it investigates the connections between their acts, foundation and decision as the secretary of state, that benefited foreign governments, donors, and companies.

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Former President Bill Clinton and his experience with Haitian Voodoo

Former US President Bill revealed in his new book " My Life" his experience with Haitian Voodoo which he found fascinating, and helped him to understand how different cultures try to make sense of life, nature, and spirit forces

The former US President recalled that back in 1975 after his wedding with Hillary, the couple was awarded a trip to Haiti from a friend David Edwards

Bill Clinton explained in his book that Hillary, his friend Edwards and he went to see a voodoo ceremony near Port-au-Prince. After a brief description of the voodoo religion, later that day, Voodoo priest Max Beauvoir later conducted a voodoo ceremony in their presence.

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Hillary Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, got gold exploitation permits from Haiti

This can't be good for the potential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton for the presidency of the United States.

According to, the brother of former US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is a member of the board for a mining company that in 2012 was awarded a gold exploitation permit from the Haitian government. These permits that have not been to anyone for 50 years were given to only two companies.

According to the website, this is just the beginning of many revelations that are yet to come in a book by New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweize. The book that will be out soon is titled: "Clinton Cash" will describe the role of Foreign Government and the Clinton foundation in contributing to over $100 million that Bill and Hillary Clinton have in personal wealth.

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