The latest on the 2010 Haiti Election

Please share your information with us about the 2010 Haiti election. Any rumor, gossip, Zin, or anything you heard concerning the 2010 Haiti election, we have a place for it today.


Haiti Election 2010

The following is a list of issues I have heard so far on the 2010 Haiti Election. These information were reported by the news media, radios, newspapers, internet sites and other reliable sources.

This is what I have heard so far:

So far, the main issue on the day of the Haiti Election is that many people would walk into the Voting stations and are unable to see their name.

In some areas one person voted several times.

I heard that in Verrettes, a former "Depute" walked into a polling station, wanting to do things the old fashion way. The report said that Jean Beauvoir arrived in one voting site and forced the officials to complete several voting ballot for him and to drop them in the ballot box.

I heard in some cities, there are several big trucks are picking up people to take them to the polling stations.

In some voting stations, I heard that the authorities at the polling stations tell the voters who to vote for.

In Cap-Haitian, some people came into a voting place and demanded that they vote without a National Identification Card.

It is reported that in Grand Riviere du Nord that the population are demanding that all Voting Poles be closed due to Fraud

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Read more: Election, Verrettes, Grande Riviere du Nord, Election

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Previlon Exavier says...

This is crazy, is there a way to manage the polls like the other contries in the

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