The New ambassador-at-large for Haiti, Sean Penn honored for work in Haiti

The Haitian Government has selected from the crowd someone who has been very dedicated to the cause of Haiti since the 2010 earthquake and made him ambassador-at-large for Haiti. It is no other than the movie actor Sean Penn.


A well deserved title.

However, does someone like Sean Penn have the character to be an ambassador-at-large?

I have never been an ambassador, but I know that to occupy that position, it requires certain "finess". I also know that someone like Sean Penn does not have any of that. The descriptions that match the movie actor include: raw, tough, profane, fearless, explosive and hard working. There is nothing diplomatic, however with Sean Penn

Sean Penn said that it would be useful to change from being called:

'Hey you"


'Hey Mr. Ambassador.'

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Read more: ambassador, Sean Penn, International

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Philippe says...

Haiti, Ma che8re patrie!Te voila, par la urefur de la nature, frappe9e, meurtrie, Tes enfants martyrise9s, ensevelis!Quand donc se redressera ta beaute9, par les poe8tes, tant chante9e?Quand donc tes murs seront-ils redresse9s?

tes entrailles rapatrie9es?J'entends encore la chanson des oiseaux au plumage luxurieux.

Je vois la mer bleue qui houle ses chaudes vagues d'eauLa brise des arbres qui caresse ma peauet le sable mouille9 chatouillant mes pieds!Oh, Haiti, mon cher pays!Il nous faudra du temps pour te redonner vie.Ce triste e9ve8nement nous appelle e0 l'unite9.Haitiens, debout! cessons nos inutiles querelles.

Mettons les mains ensembles e0 la charue, et Haiti renaitra de ses cendres, plus belle, plus solide que jadis.

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