Travel Alert to Haiti revised by U.S. State Department
The U.S. State Department announced that this revised Travel Alert should be in effect until February 15, 2017 the date the election process is expected to end.
Haitian Kreyol:
Vwayaj Avètisman pou Ayiti revize pa Depatman Deta Ameriken
Dapre Depatman Deta Ameriken , tansyon rete fò epi sitiyasyon sekirite an Ayiti pandan peryòd eleksyon an rete yon pwoblèm. "Tout sitwayen ameriken an Ayiti yo avize w kenbe founiti adekwa tel ke manje, dlo, medikaman esansyèl, ak lòt materyèl ki pral pèmèt ou pran abri an plas pou omwen 72 èdtan ". Yo pwente a posib reyalite sou sikilasyon trafik, swa enpoze pa otorite yo oswa ki kapab koze pa rasanbleman politik ki ka rive.
Depatman Deta Ameriken te anonse ke sa a revize Vwayaj Avètisman yo jiskaske Fevriye 15, 2017 dat ke pwosesis eleksyon espere fini.
Read more: travel, Traveling, Travel Warning, Newsletter Articles, Travel and Tourism
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