United States
US Marines deployed on the coast of Haiti as we are waiting for electiom results
There are currently several US Marines being deployed on the coast of Haiti. The "Haitian Joudalist" just learned that the United States has decided to deploy United States Marines troop along Haiti coastal line recently. This was announces in an interview between the US Ambassador in Haiti and the reporter from Signal FM.
In interview with Radio signal FM, the Guatemalan Edmond Mulet, head of Mission of United Nations Stabilization in Haiti (Minustah), as well as the US ambassador in Haiti did confirm the presence of US Marines on the coast of Haiti; however, they have been deployed for humanitarian reason.
U.S. Representative and chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Ileana Ros-Lehtinen visits Haiti
U.S. Representative and chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Ileana Ros-Lehtinen visits Haiti
U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is in visiting Haiti one year after the devastating earthquake to observe rebuilding efforts.
This visit to Haiti constitutes her first trip outside of the U.S. since becoming the new chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. U.S. Representative and current chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Ileana Ros-Lehtinen stated: "American businesses that have tried to invest in Haiti, not take over Haiti, but give them a helping hand. They have been confronted with wrath, corruption, bribery,"
U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is a Republican Congress woman from South Florida.
The Haitian Community meets U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden at the White House
The U.S. Vice-President met representatives of the Haitian community at the White House In January 2011 to discuss progress in the earthquake and other issues. Vice President Biden took this opportunity to reassure the Haitian community the Obama Government's commitment to the reconstruction of Haiti after the devastating earthquake.
Joe Biden is not new to the Haitian community. In April of 2010, In a gesture of support to the Haitian community who were affected by the earthquake, he paid a visit to Little Haiti in Miami. Vice-President Joe Biden came to Little Haiti Cultural Center and met with several Haitian-American activists and elected officials. He greeted Rev. Reginald Jean-Mary, Farah Juste and many others.
Risk of Cholera spreading into the U.S.
Is there a risk that the cholera epidemic in Haiti can come to the U.S. and start killing people?
Haiti is less than 2 hours from the United States, when traveling by plain. On a daily basis, people travel by air and sea between the two countries. as a result, it remains a possibility that someone infected with the cholera in Haiti can travel to the U.S.
Do you think that it is a matter of time before the U.S. government requires that anyone coming from Haiti be screened for cholera? Do you think like some countries will start screening Haitians as they are arriving in their country to prevent the spread of cholera into their population? The island of Jamaica has already taken similar actions.
Jean Monestime, First Haitian American County Commissioner in Miami
Our own Jean Monestime defeated Miami-Dade County Commissioner Dorrin D. Rolle on Tuesday, November 2 to become the first Haitian-American elected Commissioner.
Jean Monestime was is a former North Miami City Councilman.
What made this victory for Monestime so sweet, because Dorrin Rolle had a lot more money than he did. Dorrin Rolle spent $329,785 for his campaign, compared to $74,845 spent by Monestime.
Jean was able to rally the Haitian community, the African-American, and Hispanic-American voters in the district to gain that victory.
Jean Monestime obtained his MBA from the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business. He also holds a Bachelor degree in Finance from Florida International University
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