Michel Martelly Vs Mirlande Manigat most likely

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Jean Emmanuel says...

Well I think that Michel is the one that Haiti needs right now to stand, a real President and he is very young also if they give him a chance, he will contact all national and... more »

Pierre Richard Colas says...

she is to old more »

Raymond S. says...

There is no way someone like Michele Martelly can be president of Haiti. What will he do to solve the problems of the country? He will dance, and pull his pants down I think if... more »

Nester says...

Madame manigat can't be president because she is too hold. Her time has passed and now she needs to let people who can stay awake for 8 hours to run Haiti. Can she really do that. more »

Edner Destin says...

Michel Martelly is exactly what it takes right now to give Haiti a new breath.He knows the country and he knows his people very well. more »

Louis Dory says...

There is nothing wrong with Martelly becoming the next President of Haiti. If Preval could be chosen twice and did nothing but brought Haiti to its worst miseries. Let's give a... more »

Lucius Pierre says...

I recognise that Haiti needs a leadership it doesn't have; poor country. There's only chance for Martely to become president of a NAtion, is that if there nobody with such... more »

Duvall Duprey says...

Haiti been fighting with those politicians, none of them did anithing positive for the country... Vagabons se Vagabons, In my opinion we `re going to try one. more »

Edwin Jean says...

RFI confirme le deuxieme tour du 16 Janvier 2011 entre Michel J. MARTELLY (REPONS PEYIZAN VS Mme MYIRLANDE HYPOLLITE H MANIGAT (KAY PEP LA) tandis que CNN annonce la victoire de... more »

Ninette says...

I think that Michel Martelly has a musician has a better vision of the country than many of the do nothing president with doctorate degre that we had so far; and is more in touch... more »

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