Re: Michel Martelly Is Likely To Pardon Former Dictator Jean Claude...

Dadou - January 28 2012, 8:01 PM

The case of Michel Martelly and the issue of Citizenship can be summarized in three words: MATELLY NAN CHO.

Mr. President, your trick did not work. The only way you would have been able to swing this one if you did not have a "Ti landing" like Moise Jean Charles.

Mr. President, this is what you did not do and it was because of your lack of experience.

You should have taken Senator Moise and give him a position in your government.

Why didn't you give him a position as Haitian Ambassador in Iran. If you did that it would not have been able to cause problems.

I think it's too late now.

By the way, do you where all your former band members are now?

The way I see things unfolding currently, you might have to form a new Musical Band soon

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